Media of Irish language in Northern Ireland Top 8 Facts

  • 9 years ago
Facts : 1 Media Areas in Northern Ireland in which more than one third of the local population can speak Irish, according to the 2001 Census
Facts : 2 BBC Radio Ulster began broadcasting a nightly half-hour programme, called Blas ( taste ), in Irish in the early 1980s, and there is now an Irish-language programme on the station every day
Facts : 3 BBC Northern Ireland broadcast its first television programme in Irish in the early 1990s, SRL ( etc
Facts : 4 Many areas of Northern Ireland can now tune into TG4, the Irish-language television channel, which is broadcast primarily from the Conamara Gaeltacht in the Republic
Facts : 5 In March 2005, TG4 began broadcasting from the Divis transmitter near Belfast, as a result of agreement between the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Northern Ireland Office, although so far this is the only transmitter to carry it
Facts : 6 It broadcasts a selection of programmes; music, chat, news, current affairs, sports, arts, literature, environmental and community issues
Facts : 7 The Northern Ireland Film and Television Commission administers an Irish Language Broadcast Fund (announced by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in April 2004) to foster and develop an independent Irish-language television production sector in Northern Ireland
Facts : 8 The European Commission authorised public funding for the fund in June 2005 considering that since the aid aims to promote cultural products and the Irish Language, it can be authorised under EU Treaty rules that allow state aids for the promotion of culture
