• 9 yıl önce
Another recommended video: Kracie Popin' Cookin' Mini Ice Cream Shaped Candy たのしいケーキやさん How to Make Ice Cream Candy

Awesome videos with Japanese Sweets that you'll like from Toysandfunnykids:

* Kracie Popin Cookin Oekaki Gummy Land おえかきグミランド Make Gummy Candy at Home グミランド Popin' Cookin'

* Kracie Popin' Cookin' Mini Ice Cream Shaped Candy たのしいケーキやさん How to Make Ice Cream Candy

* Kracie Popin Cookin Oekaki Gummy Land おえかきグミランド Make Gummy Candy at Home グミランド Popin' Cookin'

* Kracie Popin' Cookin' おえかきキャンランド Oekaki Kyanland Candy おえかきキャンランド Popin Cookin

* Kracie Popin' Cookin' Mini Ice Cream Shaped Candy たのしいケーキやさん Oekaki Gummy Land and Much More

* Kracie Dodotto Tsubu Pyon Kracie Popin' Cookin' どどっと つぶぴょん Amazing Dot Drip Candy どどっとつぶぴょん

* Grape flavored bubble shake drink モコあわシェイク(グレープ味)Meiji 明治チューインガム Mokoawa shake

* Heart Crayon Shin Chan Namaiki Drink 3 (Cola flavored soft drink) クレヨンしんちゃん なまいきドリンク3 (コーラ味)

* Popin' Cookin' Sushi shaped candy たのしいおすしやさん - Kracie

* Popin' Cookin' Kracie Happy Kitchen DIY Doughnuts Candy Kit Doughnut Shaped Candy ハッピーキッチン ドーナツ

* Japanese sweets and toys' playlist

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Awesome videos everyday!! Stay tuned!!!
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