A Madagascar, on les appelle « vazahas zanatany ».
Zanatany, les "enfants de la terre"... combien sont-ils encore à vivre dans la "Grande Ile" ? Quelques dizaines... une ou deux centaines tout au plus. Qui sont-ils ?
On June 26th, 1960, Madagascar became independent. After 65 years of colonization, France withdrew from one of its most beautiful colonies. The French civil servants returned to France and many colonists packed their suitcases. Nevertheless the story which binds both countries carries on. France left numerous executives on the spot who were to help the new independent State and many families stayed on the island, keeping their lands and their businesses. During still near fifteen years, these "vazahas" (foreigners in Madagascan) were still considered being at home. With the Second Madagascan Republic in 1975, this love story was put an end to. The nationalization of lands and trading companies triggered the departure of the majority of the former colonists still living on the island.
Zanatany, les "enfants de la terre"... combien sont-ils encore à vivre dans la "Grande Ile" ? Quelques dizaines... une ou deux centaines tout au plus. Qui sont-ils ?
On June 26th, 1960, Madagascar became independent. After 65 years of colonization, France withdrew from one of its most beautiful colonies. The French civil servants returned to France and many colonists packed their suitcases. Nevertheless the story which binds both countries carries on. France left numerous executives on the spot who were to help the new independent State and many families stayed on the island, keeping their lands and their businesses. During still near fifteen years, these "vazahas" (foreigners in Madagascan) were still considered being at home. With the Second Madagascan Republic in 1975, this love story was put an end to. The nationalization of lands and trading companies triggered the departure of the majority of the former colonists still living on the island.