yugioh meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
Yu-gi-oh is a television/manga series created by Kazuki Takahashi which is also a popular card game. The original manga was published in Shonen Jump Magazine. The title Yu-gi-oh is a play on words in japanese. "Yugi oh" translated means "king of games" which is the alternate title in the english version. An alternate spelling in Japanese, Yujyo (taken from the first kanji of the main character Yugi Motou and one of his friends Joey Wheeler, Katsuya Jounouchi in the japanese version, alternate spelling Jyonouchi) means "friendship" which is a reoccuring theme in the series.
In the dubbing process alot has been cut out and changed to suit a younger audience (and make more money of the merchandising). The dubbed version of Yu-gi-oh is not a true representation of the story and it is better to watch the subtitled Japanese versions that are floating about out there or even read the manga.

yugioh definition by Urban Dictionary

