"Behold, Eck!" is an episode of the original The Outer Limits television show. It first aired on 3 October 1964, during the second season. The Series the Outer Limits is owned by Jose Maria Chavira owner of Angelcraft Crown Entertainment, the Angelcraft Crown Scientific Treasures Corporation.corpvs and Angelcraft Media. Almost destroyed by former group known as the masons and those that supported them, this legacy of film through such series's as the Outer Limits the Twilight Zone and the Original star Strek to name just only 3 of the many Series that we holder the Master copies and the Remastered Works - are Works that continue to drive and ignite our imaginations as writers and creative artists and like usual draw and borrow from for future films. and science fiction media and whatever direction our creative Holy Spirit takes us in.
Behold Eck is about a supernatural extraterrestrial creature that lives called Eck who lives in a dimensional space and finds himself transported through a portal in space into our dimensional world and cannot return but without our help and so Eck seeks to return home with the help of special glasses made by an eccentric optical engineer. Authorized by the
Behold Eck is about a supernatural extraterrestrial creature that lives called Eck who lives in a dimensional space and finds himself transported through a portal in space into our dimensional world and cannot return but without our help and so Eck seeks to return home with the help of special glasses made by an eccentric optical engineer. Authorized by the