Cam Newton: ‘I’m an African-American QB that scares people’

  • 9 years ago
Well, somebody finally said it.
And maybe it had to come from Cam Newton all along.
This is how the Carolina Panthers’ suddenly superstar quarterback kicked off the lead-up to Super Bowl 50: On Wednesday, Newton added fuel to the massive national race conversation by providing his explanation for all the heat he’s taken, for all the letters that parents have written to newspapers and websites criticizing his most minor missteps.
It is because he’s black.
“I’ve said this since Day One,” Newton said.
“I’m an African-American quarterback that scares people because they haven’t seen nothing that they can compare me to.
“I think it’s a trick question,” he added.
“If I answer it truthfully, it’s going to be ‘Aw, he’s this or that.’
But I will say it anyway: I don’t think people have seen what I am or what I’m trying to do.”
