• 9 years ago
My first major video in a year, wow.. I once considered Cartoon Network as my favorite channel. Nowadays, it's just another channel that I mainly watch for ...

A bumper of next being on a boat than getting queezy. Credit goes to 1mjusth3r3.

Throughout the Powerhouse Era purple colored bumpers meant cartoons that dealt with action or crime fighting, and of course there were next bumpers for ...

A bumper from Cartoon Network involving the strong muscleman saying what's up next. Credit goes to vhsscott.

I make no apologies for any repeats. That's just how committed I am.

RISE AND SHINE! I'm uploading this on a Sunday morning, and here comes my favorite Morning Powerhouse "NEXT" bumper of them all, the SMOKE!

If you don't remember this bumper, then you don't remember the 1997-2004 period for Cartoon Network plain and simple. The most original, very first ...

Green (Noon/Afternoon), Blue (Weeknights/Evenings/Weekends), and Black (Midnight/Late Night) Hamster bumpers, you should already know your color codes ...

A collection of promos and bumpers that aired on Toonami and Cartoon Network around 1999 and 2000, as well as some from late-night off-Toonami airings of ...

Here's an updated video of the slingshot bumpers history, but this time I'm only including the U.S. versions on here. @1998-2003 Powerhouse Era all rights ...

A powerhouse bumper from Cartoon networks classic days credit goes to goodoledays 95.

All rights go to Cartoon Network. These coming up next bumpers are all from a Saturday afternoon and night in June of 1999.

Here's another Powerhouse next bumper. It's like the heavenly lineup of what's coming up next on Cartoon Network!

For another set of Powerhouse bumpers today, I'm combining the Desert Mirage and Ocean Waves together. These group of NEXT bumpers have a relaxing ...

A powerhouse bumper from cn 2001 credit goes to AlhofdTV.

Enjoy! SUPER-NEXT to the rescue! Again, one of the few Powerhouse bumpers without the background colors. This one was used during the weeknights ...

A bumper involving a bunch of robots getting together and forming what's up next. Credit goes to Cartoon Network archive.

2003 brought in quite an unexpected turn for Cartoon Network. A collection of "NEXT" bumpers that aired during the final two years of the "Powerhouse" reface, ...

FLEX UP! FLEX UP! LOOK WHAT'S NEXT! Here's some classic NEXT listings from that muscular dude. He's a pretty chill guy he won't hurt ya, like no joke really .

Cartoon Network Sailboat (NEXT) Bumpers

Cartoon Network Sailboat (NEXT) Bumpers
