Jimmy Carr hosts the topical comedy panel show, alongside team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock, and guests Carol Vorderman, Krishnan Guru-Murthy .
8 Out Of 10 Cats Season 18 Episode 8 Carol Vordeman, Krishnan Guru Murth, Rob Beckett 8 Out Of 10 Cats Season 18 Episode 8 Carol Vordeman, Krishnan .
Jimmy Carr hosts the topical comedy panel show, alongside team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock, and guests Kelly Hoppen, Louis Smith, Henning .
Host Jimmy Carr and team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock are joined by guests Henning Wehn, Romesh Ranganathan, Henry Winkler and Rebecca .
8 Out Of 10 Cats Season 18 Episode 8 Carol Vordeman, Krishnan Guru Murth, Rob Beckett 8 Out Of 10 Cats Season 18 Episode 8 Carol Vordeman, Krishnan .
Jimmy Carr hosts the topical comedy panel show, alongside team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock, and guests Kelly Hoppen, Louis Smith, Henning .
Host Jimmy Carr and team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock are joined by guests Henning Wehn, Romesh Ranganathan, Henry Winkler and Rebecca .
Short film