Hopalong Rides Again (1937)
Passed | 1h 5min | Action, Romance, Western | 20 August 1937 (USA)
On a cattle drive Hoppy, camp cook Windy, companion Lucky, and young Artie Peters encounter an eccentric professor. The professor professes to be searching for the evolutionary missing link, but in reality he is a cattle rustler who uses his dynamite to scatter the cattle in order capture some of them. Hoppy and Bar 20 guys ultimately capture the professor.
Director: Lesley Selander
Writers: Norman Houston (screenplay), Norman Houston (dialogue)
Stars: William Boyd, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Russell Hayden
Passed | 1h 5min | Action, Romance, Western | 20 August 1937 (USA)
On a cattle drive Hoppy, camp cook Windy, companion Lucky, and young Artie Peters encounter an eccentric professor. The professor professes to be searching for the evolutionary missing link, but in reality he is a cattle rustler who uses his dynamite to scatter the cattle in order capture some of them. Hoppy and Bar 20 guys ultimately capture the professor.
Director: Lesley Selander
Writers: Norman Houston (screenplay), Norman Houston (dialogue)
Stars: William Boyd, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Russell Hayden
Short filmTranscript
00:13:50Sorry to hold you up, stranger.
00:13:52That's all right.
00:13:53Nice looking cattle you have there.
00:13:55Yeah, the Bar 20 race is nothing but the best.
00:13:58Taking them to market?
00:14:00Breaking trail at dawn tomorrow.
00:14:03One of my horses cast a shoe.
00:14:05Oh, that's too bad.
00:14:07Say, drive up to the ranch here and ask for Wendy.
00:14:09She'll be glad to put it on for you.
00:14:10Thanks very much.
00:14:26Pretty good, huh?
00:14:27Hey, you know, I think you got something there, Artie.
00:14:30Say, Wendy, how about you asking Hoppy to ask Uncle Buck
00:14:34if I can go on that trail drive tomorrow?
00:14:36Oh, you best stay home.
00:14:38You know, we gotta have somebody take care of the ranch.
00:14:50Where can I find Wendy?
00:14:52What's the trouble?
00:14:54My off horse threw this shoe.
00:14:56Can you fix it for me?
00:14:57Of course, I'll be glad to pay you for it.
00:14:59Oh, sure.
00:15:01Bar 20 never charges a stranger anything for a little thing like that.
00:15:05Wait till I get some nails.
00:15:07Been driving long?
00:15:10Where you going?
00:15:11Old west.
00:15:13And you don't even carry a gun?
00:15:16Say, mister, you're sure not allowed to live long.
00:15:19Dear me, why?
00:15:21Well, those boots are just full of bad armors, Nate,
00:15:23just as soon as you choose to look at you.
00:15:25Oh, you alarm me.
00:15:27We're riding that way tomorrow, and bet your boots
00:15:29we'll be armed to the teeth.
00:15:31We'll be ready for them if they make one false move.
00:15:33Oh, Hank.
00:15:35A noble effort, my little man.
00:15:37Only you seem to be as awkward with firearms as I'm afraid of them.
00:15:46What are you doing?
00:15:48Mind if I ask you the same question, mister?
00:15:55Oh, this gentleman has an insatiable curiosity regarding my property.
00:15:59I thought I'd teach him a little lesson.
00:16:03I'm Professor Hepburn.
00:16:05I'm visiting my sister, Nora Blake, over in Grass Valley.
00:16:08Oh, Nora Blake.
00:16:11I'm Cassidy, Hopalong Cassidy.
00:16:14Glad to know you, Professor.
00:16:16She's spoken of you often.
00:16:18Well, it must be kind of lonesome over there around the buttes, ain't it?
00:16:21On the contrary.
00:16:23You see, I'm a paleontologist.
00:16:26A what?
00:16:27A scientist.
00:16:28A naturalist.
00:16:29An explorer.
00:16:31In other words, I'm a bone digger.
00:16:33Oh, yeah.
00:16:34I'm doing some research for an eastern museum.
00:16:37I hope to prove to the scientific world
00:16:39the buttes, the natural habitat of the extinct dinosaur,
00:16:42another prehistoric fauna.
00:16:44You don't say.
00:16:46Yes, indeed.
00:16:47I'm finding quite a boneyard.
00:16:49A place of desolation.
00:16:51Where any creature might die and remain undisturbed.
00:16:55Undiscovered for a million years.
00:16:58A perfect paradise for my purpose.
00:17:02Well, I guess the buttes is kind of a boneyard, all right.
00:17:07And say, if you find any bones or hides of the Bar 20 stock,
00:17:10I wish you'd let me know.
00:17:13All right here, Professor.
00:17:17I hope you'll forgive any embarrassment I cause.
00:17:21But I won't forget it.
00:17:23I aim to ride over to Grass Valley and see how Norah's getting on.
00:17:26You know, homesteading's quite a job for a lady to take on.
00:17:29My sister will be glad to know what an interest you take in her welfare.
00:17:32Well, goodbye.
00:17:40I never saw none of them dino-snorters as he's aiming to hunt.
00:17:44He sure goes after them with heavy caliber ammunition.
00:17:48What do you mean?
00:17:49Do you see what he's got in the wagon?
00:17:57Well, folks homesteading, you know, they need dynamite.
00:18:01They might want to blow up some stumps or something.
00:18:05Hottie, I never thought I'd see the day that you'd let a good-looking woman...
00:18:09Just a minute.
00:18:11Now, I hope his horsey will run away with him and blow him up.
00:18:50Know this ombre chief?
00:18:51Says he's got some kind of a deal on with you.
00:18:54What do you want, Kato?
00:18:55The Bar 20's pushing a big herd by here tomorrow.
00:18:58And I'm here to collect that money as you promised me if I tipped you off.
00:19:01You're late with the news.
00:19:02I found out for myself.
00:19:04Listen, I kept my part of the deal and I want my money.
00:19:06You got nothing coming to you.
00:19:08After me quitting my job and taking a chance of coming here?
00:19:11That's your misfortune.
00:19:13Then I'll show you.
00:19:14I'll meet Cassidy and tell him what he's up against.
00:19:16Hold on.
00:19:17Give me your rifle.
00:19:32Nice shot, chief.
00:19:36Rifle heavy for sport shooting.
00:19:39All right, boys, get the top off.
00:19:43And then carry it all up the hill.
00:19:50Say, what about Kino?
00:19:54No, leave him there.
00:19:56Cassidy will find him.
00:19:58And if he does, what then?
00:20:03Always get your opponent in the jumpy frame of mind you have a psychological advantage over him.
00:20:08You know, Blackie, nature has a peculiar way of preserving a biological balance.
00:20:14Yeah, that's right, chief.
00:20:17Ornithology is a most interesting study.
00:20:22Take that buzzard, for instance.
00:20:25There's a useful institution.
00:20:29What better coffin could any man desire than one which flies?
00:20:34Blackie, did you ever wish you had wings?
00:20:39Say, I ain't aiming to ride no clouds nor clang no harp.
00:20:45Don't worry, Blackie, you never will.
00:20:47Clem, tie this wagon over to Grass Valley.
00:20:51All right.
00:20:52And explain to my sister that I've gone around hunting some fossil specimens.
00:20:56And hurry up back here.
00:21:01Get out of here!
00:21:04Hey, fellas, you all know what happened on the Black Butte Trail last year.
00:21:08Well, if any of you fellas want to back out, now's the time to do it.
00:21:11What do you think we are, Lucky?
00:21:12We'll take care of it.
00:21:13We're on with Hoppy.
00:21:14Hoppy says be sure that all your guns are in working condition, just in case we need them.
00:21:18Mind your line-up.
00:21:21Here's an order and the cattlemen's assistance.
00:21:23We'll take care of it.
00:21:24We'll take care of it.
00:21:25We'll take care of it.
00:21:26We'll take care of it.
00:21:27We'll take care of it.
00:21:28We'll take care of it.
00:21:29We'll take care of it.
00:21:30We'll take care of it.
00:21:31We'll take care of it.
00:21:32Here's an order and the cattlemen's association for that cash.
00:21:36Buck, that's quite a piece of change.
00:21:38Think I'd better put the money in the bank and bring back a check?
00:21:40Am I a loco?
00:21:42After that fly-by-night bank folded up with me last year?
00:21:46I reckon, though, you'd better come back by the southern route.
00:21:49All right.
00:21:50So long, Buck.
00:21:51Good luck, Hoppy.
00:21:52Bye, kid.
00:21:53Try and get the herd past the Buttes before dark.
00:21:56All right.
00:21:58Can I go, Uncle Buck?
00:22:00Haven't I got enough to worry me?
00:22:02Go away.
00:22:06Let's go, Lucky.
00:22:08The Buttes have always been bad luck to the Bar 20.
00:22:11Be careful, won't you, Lucky?
00:22:13All right, boys, get started.
00:22:19Come on, Lucky.
00:22:30Come on, Lucky.
00:22:48They'll be all right, honey.
00:22:51Poor Artie.
00:22:53He wanted to go so badly.
00:23:20They can't reach here much before sundown.
00:23:44Stop planting it there.
00:23:46Come on, boys, hurry up.
00:23:48When it goes off, it'll stampede that herd and we'll be able to rustle them.
00:23:52We'll give Mr. Castee a welcome to Black Butte.
00:23:54That'll justify his nickname of Topple Law.
00:23:58Come on, Lucky.
00:24:17Hey, Lucky.
00:24:20Let him tell the boys to push him a little faster.
00:24:22We'll never make it through there.
00:24:45Artie, is that you?
00:24:49Is that any way for a regular cowboy to act?
00:24:54Well, I'd let you go on, son, but there's too much danger.
00:24:58Danger? That's why I want to go.
00:25:01You didn't think of danger when you came out here 50 years ago.
00:25:05Why couldn't I have been born then? You had all the fun.
00:25:08Sure, you'd think it was fun.
00:25:11If you had it all to do over again, what would you do?
00:25:15Well, I reckon you got me there, Artie.
00:25:20Can I go?
00:25:21No, it's too late.
00:25:23I got my pony already and saddle I can catch a mile before they reach the Butte.
00:25:26Now, listen here.
00:25:28If you're going to take a man's place, you're going to have to do a man's work.
00:25:32I will.
00:25:35Well, your gun, your belt and holster are lying right where you left them.
00:25:40Oh, boy.
00:25:45Artie, where are you going?
00:25:51Well, I guess he had to learn sometime.
00:25:54I reckon it's in his blood.
00:26:11Come on, Artie.
00:26:37How about a little water?
00:26:41They're putting them stairs pretty high lately.
00:26:43Yeah, but I hope they don't take a notion to turn them into one of them canyons for water.
00:26:51Hoppy, something's happened. Come on.
00:27:12And I told him to ride east.
00:27:15He fled right through the back.
00:27:18Probably never knowing what happened.
00:27:25Maybe he did.
00:27:42One of you boys take care of him.
00:27:44The rest of you better get started. It's going to be dark soon.
00:27:49Now, keep your eyes peeled on them Buttes and don't let the hurt break that way.
00:27:59Hoppy, look!
00:28:01Hoppy, look!
00:28:10Here I am!
00:28:11Get off of that horse.
00:28:13Uncle Buck said I could come.
00:28:15Did you hear what I said? Get off of that horse.
00:28:19Now, get in that chuck wagon here with Wendy.
00:28:24Wendy, pull him to the foot of that cliff. We'll channel there tonight.
00:28:29Come on, get at it.
00:28:48Come on.
00:29:09Come on, man. Hook him there, son.
00:29:18Come on.
00:29:48Come on.
00:29:50Come on.
00:30:16Help me with it here.
00:30:19Come on.
00:30:30Get him!
00:30:49Come on.
00:31:00All right, boys. Pick up those steers.
00:31:11Wendy! Hardy!
00:31:14Take it easy, Hardy. We'll have you out in just a minute.
00:31:28Let me see it, Lucky.
00:31:43See if there's some water in the lichen.
00:32:14Hoppy, what happened to my pony?
00:32:18Your pony's all right, Hardy. He's still out there grazing.
00:32:31Hoppy! Hoppy, come here!
00:32:37Hey, look at that!
00:32:44What do you think of your dandy snorters, fella, now, huh?
00:32:57I aim to find out.
00:33:02Come on.
00:33:08There we go.
00:33:14Where's the herd?
00:33:15The boys are holding them about six miles south of the Buttes.
00:33:18That is what's left of them.
00:33:20How many missing?
00:33:21About 200 head, near as we could tally.
00:33:23How about the men?
00:33:25Oh, a few sprained wishbones.
00:33:27We didn't have no chance to make our fight.
00:33:30Ride back and get the herd moving south.
00:33:33What, Hoppy, aren't you going to fight to get our stolen cattle back?
00:33:39Say, it ain't like you, Hoppy.
00:33:53Just like what happened last year, Hoppy.
00:33:57Only it'll never happen again.
00:34:03All right.
00:34:04It'll never happen again.
00:34:10Oh, Lucky!
00:34:14You know Artie can't be moved, so you make a camp and look out for him here.
00:34:22Lucky, from now on, you're in charge of the herd.
00:34:25I want you to roll them into Fort Hastings.
00:34:27Here's the cash order.
00:34:29You'll be paid for the number of steers you deliver.
00:34:33I want you to get the cash and ride back this way.
00:34:37Exactly 12 noon, 8 days from now.
00:34:40No sooner and no later.
00:34:42Now, you got that?
00:34:44It's a week from tomorrow.
00:34:46That's right.
00:34:47Don't let me down with you, kid.
00:34:51So long.
00:34:52Bye, Hoppy.
00:34:53Good luck, son.
00:35:03If it's any of my business, what are you aiming to do?
00:35:08Wendy, when you go after big fish,
00:35:10you've got to use live bait.
00:35:12I'm going fishing.
00:35:14And Lucky has my bait.
00:35:16That's just as plain as a Chinese laundry ticket.
00:35:21We just get them rustlers down out of the buttes.
00:35:23I'll get Lucky.
00:35:24I'll get Lucky.
00:35:25I'll get Lucky.
00:35:26I'll get Lucky.
00:35:27I'll get Lucky.
00:35:28I'll get Lucky.
00:35:29I'll get Lucky.
00:35:30I'll get Lucky.
00:35:31We got to get them out of the buttes,
00:35:33out here into the open.
00:35:34That's all I want.
00:35:36I think I've figured out a way to do it.
00:35:38You'd better throw up a few rocks there for protection.
00:35:42I gotcha.
00:35:45And if you're right about Nora Blake...
00:35:47a women that plays a man's game
00:35:48has to take a man's chances.
00:35:51So long.
00:35:54So long, Happy.
00:36:01Whoa, there, Archibald, you're supposed to be sick.
00:36:08I'm hungry.
00:36:10Don't go on to find any trees, you're going to get well.
00:36:32I'm hungry.
00:36:33I'm hungry.
00:36:34I'm hungry.
00:36:35I'm hungry.
00:36:36I'm hungry.
00:36:37I'm hungry.
00:36:38I'm hungry.
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00:37:55I'm hungry.
00:37:56I'm hungry.
00:37:57I'm hungry.
00:38:01Oh, hello!
00:38:02Mr. Cassidy is interested in your work, Horace.
00:38:05I just made the most astounding anthropological discovery, Mr. Cassidy.
00:38:09You see, there's a missing link in the human group between the Paleolithic and Neolithic
00:38:14ages, the intermediary between the flat skull and the round type.
00:38:19You don't tell me.
00:38:21We have here the cornered cranial structure, so long sought by science.
00:38:27Oh, you mean, uh, kind of a square head, huh?
00:38:35Say, I think I know this fellow.
00:38:37Well, now, careful.
00:38:39You're liable to destroy a priceless specimen.
00:38:43Yes, sir, that's him, all right.
00:38:45A fellow named Anthony.
00:38:48He was a wrestler.
00:38:50The boys from the Bar 20 captured him red-handed upon Thunder Mesa.
00:38:56See, that's where they parted his hair with a .45.
00:38:59No, you must be mistaken.
00:39:01Oh, no, I'm not.
00:39:04Just a minute here.
00:39:11There's the slug.
00:39:14Say, when you get ready to put this fellow in the museum, just label him as a sample
00:39:19of what happens to people that can't keep their running irons off a Bar 20 stock.
00:39:25I should have made such a mistake.
00:39:28Oh, we all make mistakes.
00:39:31But some of us don't make them twice.
00:39:33I can't understand it.
00:39:35Say, did you come here to visit me or Horace?
00:39:53Where's your shadow?
00:39:56He's always at your heel.
00:39:57Oh, Windy.
00:39:58Oh, he's got hay fever.
00:39:59I left him over at the Bar 20.
00:40:21How are you feeling?
00:40:23Pretty good.
00:40:24That's fine.
00:40:26Now you take it easy and I'll go get a little fresh water.
00:40:49No, thanks.
00:40:50Oh, have another.
00:40:52Oh, all right.
00:40:53You haven't your usual appetite.
00:40:57And how's Lucky?
00:40:59Oh, I was going to tell you about Lucky Weaver Oak.
00:41:02What's that?
00:41:04My brand.
00:41:05I just had it registered with the Cattlemen's Association.
00:41:09The triangle is the shape of my little belly.
00:41:11The double B is for the black buttes that surround it.
00:41:15But you weren't going to tell me about Lucky.
00:41:17Why, what's the matter, Hoppy?
00:41:20Nora, I sent Lucky to Fort Hastings with a big bunch of stock.
00:41:25I'm going to meet him at the Buttes when he arrives back with the money.
00:41:29That will be several thousand dollars.
00:41:36Do you think it's safe to allow Lucky?
00:41:38I trust Lucky.
00:41:40Well, then I'm to have your company until Lucky returns?
00:41:43Well, unless you throw me out.
00:41:45Mr. Cassidy, consider yourself my prisoner.
00:41:48And I couldn't ask for a prettier jailer.
00:42:15Mr. Cassidy?
00:42:46All right, sit back.
00:42:50Hand him up.
00:42:58Hand him up, boys.
00:43:16Dirk, I want you to ride fast before Fort Hastings.
00:43:19Check on a man named Lucky.
00:43:21He'll be riding back this way with money and whet.
00:43:23Burn leather back and report.
00:43:26We've done a good job of plotting, Chief.
00:43:28In two weeks, you'll never know, but Bar 20 had always been triangle, double B.
00:43:45All right, boys, let's go.
00:44:16Yeah, Hepburn's got them steers bottled up in Satan's Canyon.
00:44:20They're blotting the Bar 20 brand of triangle BB.
00:44:23Sent a fellow to Fort Hastings to check on Lucky.
00:44:26Just what I figured.
00:44:28Now we can get that gang down out of the Buttes into the open here and have an open fight.
00:44:32Now, when Artie's well enough to be left alone, you hotfoot it back to the Bar 20.
00:44:36Have Buck and the boys back here when Lucky makes his ride by.
00:44:39Beat him.
00:44:41Get up under cover and don't let anybody see you. Get up!
00:44:44You lied to me, Hopalong.
00:45:11Why did you tell me Wendy was back at Bar 20?
00:45:14Because rustlers are raiding the Bar 20 stock.
00:45:17They're using your brand to cover their tracks.
00:45:20Then I'm under suspicion?
00:45:22I'm on the buts to find the guilty party.
00:45:24I'm afraid you'll have to prove what you say, Mr. Cassidy.
00:45:27I aim to.
00:45:29And Wendy is part of my plan.
00:46:12Thanks, Wendy.
00:46:17I can't leave you now, son.
00:46:20It sure knocks Hoppy's plan higher in the kite.
00:46:23You know, you've been here a week today and you haven't proven anything to me yet.
00:46:46There's one now.
00:47:11There's the old Bar 20 brand.
00:47:14You see how they've changed it over to the Triangle Double B?
00:47:24I'm sorry I doubted you, Hoppy.
00:47:26It's all right, Nora.
00:47:29My men must have known about this.
00:47:31I'll fire every last one of them.
00:47:33Oh, no, don't do that.
00:47:35Lucky and Wendy carried out my orders, I'm gonna make my play today.
00:47:41I've been a lot of bother to you, haven't I?
00:47:43Bother? Sure.
00:47:45It's all right.
00:47:47Just as long as you're still in the ring.
00:47:50It's all right.
00:47:51Just as long as you're still in the ring.
00:48:15Who was it?
00:48:17Looks like trouble.
00:48:19And the odds are against us.
00:48:21Now listen, sonny.
00:48:23You and me have got to make just the best fight we can.
00:48:29Guys, I kept you from going after Uncle Bob, didn't I?
00:48:33Why, you couldn't help it.
00:48:36Just saying my wish Hoppy was here.
00:48:38Lucky to be riding along here any minute.
00:48:43Get me a drink, will you?
00:49:03Heidi, come back here!
00:49:05I'm going for Uncle Bob and the boys!
00:49:16Young whippersnapper.
00:49:29Hello, Horace.
00:49:33Where are you going?
00:49:35I'm shipping some specimens east of the museum.
00:49:38Taking them to the railroad at Fort Hastings.
00:49:51There's an interesting one.
00:49:57Well, better be going.
00:50:00Well, take care of yourself, Horace.
00:50:02I'm not back in a few days. Don't you worry about me.
00:50:25You certainly had me worried.
00:50:30I mean about Horace.
00:50:32I was afraid you suspected him.
00:50:38Your brother's a big man.
00:50:41He's got more important things to think about in the world than rustling cattle.
00:50:53Here comes Dirk.
00:51:01Part 20 fella's coming to the money.
00:51:03Catch him when he rides by the Buttes.
00:51:05Knocky, a rifle.
00:51:08Give me your rifle.
00:51:37Do that again.
00:51:39Mr. Cassidy.
00:51:40Nora, look up toward the past.
00:51:42See anything?
00:51:46Whoever took that pot shot at me wasn't fooling.
00:51:49It was a misfire.
00:51:51Now's the time for me to make my play.
00:51:57Goodbye, Nora.
00:51:59Did you mean it just now when you kissed me?
00:52:02Come back sometime without.
00:52:04I aim to.
00:52:06Goodbye, Poppy.
00:52:07Goodbye, Nora.
00:52:31Clem, you stay here. The rest of you come with me.
00:52:33Yes, sir.
00:52:37Come on.
00:52:50Come on.
00:53:06Come on.
00:53:36Come on.
00:54:06Come on.
00:54:26Shorty, where's Hoppy?
00:54:30Well, Hoppy stopped over at the Buttes.
00:54:32What for?
00:54:34I don't know.
00:54:36Where's the money?
00:54:37Lucky's got it.
00:54:39Where's Lucky?
00:54:44Where's Artie?
00:54:46Sorry, Buck.
00:54:47We got in a little trouble over at the Buttes.
00:54:49And Artie got messed up a little.
00:54:51Uncle Buck, look!
00:55:00Uncle Buck.
00:55:02We got in trouble at the Buttes.
00:55:04Gotta ride fast.
00:55:06Hoppy needs us.
00:55:08Get my horse.
00:55:10Settle up, boys.
00:55:13Boys, if Hoppy's got that black Butte gang in the open,
00:55:16we've a long score to settle.
00:55:26We'll never call you Archibald again, Artie.
00:55:30All right, boys. Let's go.
00:55:32Come on.
00:55:59Let's go.
00:56:29Let's get him.
00:56:59Get up, boys.
00:57:29Hold it.
00:57:55That should eat too much of a man to shoot from the back.
00:57:57Come on.
00:58:08Now we are in a fine spot.
00:58:10You got the money?
00:58:14Why didn't you get here on time?
00:58:16You made me bust my hair loom.
00:58:18Your what?
00:58:19McGuinn and Paul's watch.
00:58:20You better save your breath.
00:58:21You might need it later.
00:58:28Why didn't you shoot Cassidy when you had a chance?
00:58:31I couldn't plug him in the back.
00:58:39All right, get down there and charge that fall.
00:58:48Here they come.
00:58:57Come on.
00:59:27Come on.
00:59:57Come on.
01:00:15Well, Buck,
01:00:16looks like the trouble with the Black Buttes is finished.
01:00:19I reckon so.
01:00:21Poor devil.
01:00:28I hope Nora never finds out.
01:00:32If you call it happy, you're in love.
01:00:34Maybe you're right.
01:00:36Me too.
01:00:37I guess it must be springtime.
01:00:39You know, fellas, it'll never get that way when the potions begin to bloom.
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