• 9 years ago
Activities which are routinely associated with the sale and use of crack cocaine. Cracktivities are normally characterized by the desperate style with which they are executed. Cracktivities often include (but are not limited to) such things as:

1. the sucking/jerking on/off of trouser trout for a relatively small amount of money.

2. the typical smash and grab.

3. being secretly filmed by the police while you pace around in a hotel room, smoking rocks with a hooker, à la Marion Barry.

4. anything Amy Winehouse participates in while she is not in rehab.

5. anything the ODB participated in prior to his death (which was, of course, due to cracktivities).

6. most undertakings which occur within the confines or close proximity of a sketch pad.

cracktivities definition by Urban Dictionary


