Check out the Nat Geo Wild crew, with help from Radley Studios, on the set of their promo for The Incredible Dr. Pol.\r
Nat Geo Wild.\r
Why dont you have some coffee with Dr. Pol? This week, the doc reveals his secret to staying energized and what he misses most about the Netherlands, and .\r
Its the crews time to shine in this behind-the-scenes look at filming the series. THE INCREDIBLE DR. POL AIRS SATURDAYS 9/8c.\r
Get to know a bit more about Dr. Pol and how his legend continues to grow. THE INCREDIBLE DR. POL AIRS SATURDAYS at 9P.
Nat Geo Wild.\r
Why dont you have some coffee with Dr. Pol? This week, the doc reveals his secret to staying energized and what he misses most about the Netherlands, and .\r
Its the crews time to shine in this behind-the-scenes look at filming the series. THE INCREDIBLE DR. POL AIRS SATURDAYS 9/8c.\r
Get to know a bit more about Dr. Pol and how his legend continues to grow. THE INCREDIBLE DR. POL AIRS SATURDAYS at 9P.
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