Apple Has A Secret Team That’s Building Its Own Virtual Reality Headset

  • 8 years ago
To compete with the likes of Microsoft and Facebook on the virtual reality field, Apple has formed a secret team of virtual and augmented reality professionals to develop a headset that can penetrate the growing sector.
The group consists of hundreds of skilled individuals that came from well-planned-out acquisitions, including specialists poached from select companies such as the camera startup Lytro and even Microsoft.
According to the Financial Times, the Cupertino brand has now acquired the augmented reality startup Flyby Media, whose team collaborated with Google for the 3D positioning technology in Project Tango.
This comes on the heels of the company hiring virtual reality expert Doug Bowman, who is believed to be able to step up the Cupertino brand's progress on the platform.
"It is really cool and has some interesting applications," Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, says about the technology.
