Manuela interrupted talk between Anais / Isabel and Emilio. Manuela reminds Emilio, that the masquerade ball is almost over and Anais should be introduced .\r
Episodio 2 Mme Guerrero suplica a Bernarda no decirle la verdad a Isabel. Bernarda dice Isabel es parte de su Vida y Ellas hicieron un pacto. Benigno las .\r
Fernando, Emilio and two whores are having dinner in restaurant. Manuela reminds herself about moments with Fernando in Rome and crying. In her head, she .\r
Bernarda asks Isabel in her room, if she took the medicine and how she will reply to Fernandos proposal. Victor, the right hand of doctor Pintos, informs him, that .
Episodio 2 Mme Guerrero suplica a Bernarda no decirle la verdad a Isabel. Bernarda dice Isabel es parte de su Vida y Ellas hicieron un pacto. Benigno las .\r
Fernando, Emilio and two whores are having dinner in restaurant. Manuela reminds herself about moments with Fernando in Rome and crying. In her head, she .\r
Bernarda asks Isabel in her room, if she took the medicine and how she will reply to Fernandos proposal. Victor, the right hand of doctor Pintos, informs him, that .
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