• 9 years ago
Dayatyani decides to trick the children and bring them to Bhayanak Lokk. Tauba Tauba listens to Dayatyanis entire plan and appreciates her. On the other hand, .\r
BIshwajeet gifts a brand new car to Popatlal. Popatlal gets surprised to see the brand new car. Popatlal tells Bishwajeet that he would not accept the car. Further .\r
Grand-daughter of Qutub-ud-din Aibak, and daughter of Shams-ud-din Illtumish, Razia was born a princess like many other nameless and countless girls born .\r
Pragya is stuck at the ledge unable to move out of fear but Abhi encourages her by telling her how much he loves her and how lost he would be without her to .


