How To Play Amazing Grace On Guitar -- Amazing Grace Guitar Chords
Welcome to another free online beginners guitar tutorial by In todays video lesson I will show you not only one, but three different ways of
How To Play Amazing Grace On Guitar.
The good news is, the song is really easy to learn. You only need three chords, all if which are very basic. Sometimes guitar students get a little bit confused when they learn this song and later on discover that there are actually a number of different ways to play it; or to be more specific, the chords used in this version can be changed depending on the key you want to play this song in. But for now, lets dont make things too complicated and stick to what you see in the video.
Alright, so here are the Amazing Grace Guitar Chords used in our version:
G-Major, C-Major and D7.
As I tried to illustrate in the video, strictly speaking, this piece is considered a Waltz. Which means we need to talk a little bit about the strumming. Make sure that you use counts of three, otherwise it will sound just weird. To keep things straight forward -- especially if you are a guitar beginner -- I suggest that you stick to downstrokes only (vs. downstrokes and upstrokes combined with each other). Just like I demonstrated it in the video. Put emphasis on the first stroke. You can do that by hitting the strings a little bit harder and by only hitting the bass strings. However, if thats too complicated, dont worry about that and just play three regular downstrokes per measure.
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I know, I know, you probably hate metronomes just as much as all my regular guitar students -- however, especially if you are a guitar beginner, I strongly encourage you to use one as it will help you tremendously in developing a feel from rhythmic patterns. Start out slow and then gradually increase the speed.
Another question I get all the time from my students is: Can you show me how to use scales to play an Amazing Grace Guitar Solo line. Well, thats the reason why I also covered this part in my video tutorial. And even if you are not familiar with playing guitar scales at this point in your musical career, you should be able to play these few notes after a little bit of practice.
Okay, as I mentioned above, there are a whole list of alternative guitar chords for Amazing Grace that you can use to play this tune in a different key. Here is a good example: instead of playing the chords above, use these three:
D-Major (instead of G-Major)
G-Major (instead of C-Major)
A7 (instead of D7)
Sounds pretty good, eh? There are many more chord variations you can use so dont get confused if you find other combinations in guitar books or other sources. Further to that, as I explained in the video tutorial, you can add some spice to the whole thing by using power chords and palm muting. It sounds even better when you use an electric guitar for that.
Alright, I think we should have everything covered by now. Well, there is one more thing. What about Amazing Grace Guitar Tabs? Alright, alright -- just register your free account via the link below and I will send you a nifty worksheet with the words to Amazing Grace and the respective chord changes.
Create your completely FREE Guitar Ingenuity account today and get:
1. The Amazing Grace Guitar Chords Worksheet (lyrics and chord changes)
2. Free lifetime access to the Guitar Chordbank with dozens of high-definition close-up guitar chord tutorials -- including all of the chords we need for this song
3. My Ultimate Guitar Chord List -- a pdf-file with virtually hundreds of guitar chord diagrams in alphabetical order, all in one document
4. Access to hundreds additional guitar tutorials
Yes, as I just said, there are no costs involved here. You can create Lifetime Guitar Ingenuity Account absolutely FREE of charge.
Create your account now by clicking here:
Thanks for watching and Happy Strumming.
Dieter Ulrich Peise
Founder of Guitar Ingenuity
Welcome to another free online beginners guitar tutorial by In todays video lesson I will show you not only one, but three different ways of
How To Play Amazing Grace On Guitar.
The good news is, the song is really easy to learn. You only need three chords, all if which are very basic. Sometimes guitar students get a little bit confused when they learn this song and later on discover that there are actually a number of different ways to play it; or to be more specific, the chords used in this version can be changed depending on the key you want to play this song in. But for now, lets dont make things too complicated and stick to what you see in the video.
Alright, so here are the Amazing Grace Guitar Chords used in our version:
G-Major, C-Major and D7.
As I tried to illustrate in the video, strictly speaking, this piece is considered a Waltz. Which means we need to talk a little bit about the strumming. Make sure that you use counts of three, otherwise it will sound just weird. To keep things straight forward -- especially if you are a guitar beginner -- I suggest that you stick to downstrokes only (vs. downstrokes and upstrokes combined with each other). Just like I demonstrated it in the video. Put emphasis on the first stroke. You can do that by hitting the strings a little bit harder and by only hitting the bass strings. However, if thats too complicated, dont worry about that and just play three regular downstrokes per measure.
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I know, I know, you probably hate metronomes just as much as all my regular guitar students -- however, especially if you are a guitar beginner, I strongly encourage you to use one as it will help you tremendously in developing a feel from rhythmic patterns. Start out slow and then gradually increase the speed.
Another question I get all the time from my students is: Can you show me how to use scales to play an Amazing Grace Guitar Solo line. Well, thats the reason why I also covered this part in my video tutorial. And even if you are not familiar with playing guitar scales at this point in your musical career, you should be able to play these few notes after a little bit of practice.
Okay, as I mentioned above, there are a whole list of alternative guitar chords for Amazing Grace that you can use to play this tune in a different key. Here is a good example: instead of playing the chords above, use these three:
D-Major (instead of G-Major)
G-Major (instead of C-Major)
A7 (instead of D7)
Sounds pretty good, eh? There are many more chord variations you can use so dont get confused if you find other combinations in guitar books or other sources. Further to that, as I explained in the video tutorial, you can add some spice to the whole thing by using power chords and palm muting. It sounds even better when you use an electric guitar for that.
Alright, I think we should have everything covered by now. Well, there is one more thing. What about Amazing Grace Guitar Tabs? Alright, alright -- just register your free account via the link below and I will send you a nifty worksheet with the words to Amazing Grace and the respective chord changes.
Create your completely FREE Guitar Ingenuity account today and get:
1. The Amazing Grace Guitar Chords Worksheet (lyrics and chord changes)
2. Free lifetime access to the Guitar Chordbank with dozens of high-definition close-up guitar chord tutorials -- including all of the chords we need for this song
3. My Ultimate Guitar Chord List -- a pdf-file with virtually hundreds of guitar chord diagrams in alphabetical order, all in one document
4. Access to hundreds additional guitar tutorials
Yes, as I just said, there are no costs involved here. You can create Lifetime Guitar Ingenuity Account absolutely FREE of charge.
Create your account now by clicking here:
Thanks for watching and Happy Strumming.
Dieter Ulrich Peise
Founder of Guitar Ingenuity
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