How To Use I Have An Idea For A Threesome

  • 8 yıl önce
Want to Initiate a 3-some? Break the ice? Join Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from as they share ideas and suggestions.
Cathy: So were back. Reid is going to explain, I have an idea.
Reid: Were back from what? What if this is this persons first video theyre ever watching? They dont really know where we were.
Cathy: Thats true.
Reid: You should probably tell them.
Cathy: We were just discussing .
Reid: Who are you?
Cathy: Im Cathy Vartuli from .
Reid: Im Reid Mihalko from . We apologize if this is your first video. If this is not your first video, then youre used to this, so were going to continue.
Cathy: We were just talking about initiating threesomes, and knowing who to approach. Reid actually teaches a class on this thats very well-received. In it, he shares, I have an idea. Now, he will share about that.
Reid: First off, you can go to my website, . Click on store, theres a whole little thing you can download. Manual, audio, about just initiating successful threesomes. Go do that if youre really interested. The biggest piece is how do you break the ice. Its called embracing the awkward, which also runs into the I have an idea. When you are feeling awkward, like, lets say that I want to ask you if you are into threesomes, and Id like to invite you to a threesome. What I need to do is understand. Okay, so Im feeling awkward. Thats where most of us shuts down.
Cathy: It gets really quiet.
Reid: Yeah, and then we get into seventh grade hell, and then no one speaks up. What I need to do is take a breath, say to myself, The awkward is upon us. I need to acknowledge whats going on for me to get in my body and be present. Then, what I say to the other person is, I have an idea.
Cathy: They say, What is it?
Reid: Because theyre awkward, theyre like, Whats your idea?
Cathy: Yeah, thank God someones speaking!
Reid: Oh my goodness! Tell me everything!
What you do is you say, I am interested in inviting you to a threesome. Is that something you would be interested in, or should I buzz off now?
Cathy: If they say yes .
Reid: Then you say, Awesome. Im glad youre interested. In this situation, Id be like, Do you have a friend you can invite?
Cathy: Yes.
Reid: Because were only two.
Basically, youre using the I have an idea formula as a way of breaking the ice and getting the ball rolling. Go watch the first video that we talked about, where we talked about context. If youre checking out at the supermarket and youre like, I have an idea, and theyre like, Okay, what?
Cathy: Sexual harassment suit.
Reid: Yeah, I would like to invite you to a threesome. Theres no context. If youre at a sex positive conference or workshop about sexuality or something like that, then there is more context.
Cathy: I also love, the I have an idea, you can use it on your class. Whether youre looking for a threesome, or youre just out for some one on one or whatever, I love that you say, I have an idea, and then suggest something that you would like to do. Whenever Ive been out with someone, and I kind of want- my old inclination is to ask for something I felt there would be a yes to. If theyre a yes to it, it wasnt necessarily what I wanted to do, which didnt work really well for me. I really love your idea of suggesting something. It could be just, Lets snuggle and stroke each others hair for a while, or Lets kiss for a little while. Just if you suggest something you like, then if they say yes, youre sure to be doing something you enjoy.
Reid: Thats a really quick thing. Theres more on it on my website store, or come to a workshop. One of my negotiating successful threesome workshops. We hope this information is useful for you. Go have lots of ideas. Invite other people that have ideas with you, and good luck. Leave your comments below.
Cathy: Thanks, everyone.