My Response to the BLM who interrupted Sen. Sanders Speech in Seattle Washington. Purchase Bernie Sanders Song Feel The Bern 50% of Sales go to .\r
I wish I had been able to take more of the event going on. But here is a bit of what had happened at the Bernie Sanders Rally in Seattle, WA. At this time, several .\r
Moments after Senator Bernie Sanders started speaking at a Seattle rally, Black Lives Matter protestors interrupted the presidential hopeful. Members of the .\r
BernieSanders supporters chant #FeelTheBern, but POLICE BRUTALITY, PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and RACIAL INJUSTICE are so DEADLY were .
I wish I had been able to take more of the event going on. But here is a bit of what had happened at the Bernie Sanders Rally in Seattle, WA. At this time, several .\r
Moments after Senator Bernie Sanders started speaking at a Seattle rally, Black Lives Matter protestors interrupted the presidential hopeful. Members of the .\r
BernieSanders supporters chant #FeelTheBern, but POLICE BRUTALITY, PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and RACIAL INJUSTICE are so DEADLY were .
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