Celtic meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago

Mainly relating to the culture, language, and society of the Celts. "Celt" apparantly came from the Greek term for "Secret People", since little was known of them, and still not very much is. Genereally known to be a tall race of people, their coloring ranged from dark-eyed and dark-haired to blue-eyed and fair-haired.

Having conquered most of Europe, and even terrorizing Rome itself at one point, this viscious race was highly advanced. Ironmaking, womyn having the same status of men, going nude into battle to discomfort the enemies.

Still, for all of their adavancements, their languages had become so varied that they could no longer understand each other. When the German peoples attacked and defeated Rome, they also defeated the Celts...

Only In Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, and Brittany, France do the Celts survive.

Celtic definition by Urban Dictionary