How To Fix "Unfortunately the process has stopped" Error On Android ?
Method 1:
Step 1: Go to Settings ,and then Apps ,and then ALL Tabs .
Step 2: Tap Menu(three dots),and then Reset app preferences.
Step 3: Reboot your Phone
Method 2:
Clear Data of :
1. Google Play Store
2. Google Play Services
3. Google Services Framework
Restart your Phone
Method 3:
Clear cache and data for the app in question .
If you launch a Particular App and error message pops up repeatedly .
Restart Your Phone .
Method 4:
Disable Download Manager and Enable it Again
Restart your Phone
That's all
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Method 1:
Step 1: Go to Settings ,and then Apps ,and then ALL Tabs .
Step 2: Tap Menu(three dots),and then Reset app preferences.
Step 3: Reboot your Phone
Method 2:
Clear Data of :
1. Google Play Store
2. Google Play Services
3. Google Services Framework
Restart your Phone
Method 3:
Clear cache and data for the app in question .
If you launch a Particular App and error message pops up repeatedly .
Restart Your Phone .
Method 4:
Disable Download Manager and Enable it Again
Restart your Phone
That's all
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