TSDREX - RE-WIND E.P OUT NOW! (Future House) BUY LINK IN description

  • 8 years ago
Info: My first ever E.P and first time making any money out of my music. If you like the E.P or any of the tracks please support me by paying one of the songs.

Link to buy- https://play.google.com/store/music/album/TSDREX_Re_wind?id=B4gssdbmf6spwa6hqv7w7nmabju

ALSO ON Itunes, spotify, Xbox Music, Emusic, Amazon, Deezer, Rnd, Rdio, Google play, Music Unlimited, Wimp, Shazam, MixRadio, Juke, Soundcloud

Price - £2.97
0.99P for single.

1. I'll Be Okday
2. Someone
3 .Bounce

Watch me play games and shizz live on twitch -http://www.twitch.tv/tsdrex

Follow me:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TSDREX

Listen to my music - https://soundcloud.com/ts-drex


