Better Than I
Maria Shandi
Album : Kasih Tuhan
I thought I did what's right
I thought I had the answers
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here
So I put up a fight
And told you how to help me
Now just when I have given up
The truth is coming clear
You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For you know better than I
If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing I don't know
Is part of getting through
I try to do what's best
And faith has made it easy
To see the best thing I can do
Is put my trust in you
You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For you know better than I
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Maria Shandi
Album : Kasih Tuhan
I thought I did what's right
I thought I had the answers
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here
So I put up a fight
And told you how to help me
Now just when I have given up
The truth is coming clear
You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For you know better than I
If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing I don't know
Is part of getting through
I try to do what's best
And faith has made it easy
To see the best thing I can do
Is put my trust in you
You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For you know better than I
Dapatkan cd rohani terbaik Indonesia hanya di:
SMS Pemesanan : 087 888 733 448
Ikuti kegiatan kami di:
FB: impactmusicindonesia
Dengarkan Gratis Siaran Radio Internet Streaming 24 Jam
Lagu & Khotbah Rohani melalui ipad, tablet, pc, hanya di