2~30대의 사랑과 배신, 절망 등 독하고 리얼한 러브스토리를 담아낸 신개념의 페이크 토크쇼. 갈등의 주인공 두 사람을 방청객이 있는 스튜디오로 직접 초대해 그들의 지독한 사랑 싸움을 함께 한다. 동거, 삼각관계, 원나잇스탠드 등 이 시대 젊은이들의 충격적인 연애 비화를 100% 리얼하게 재구성해 추적해본다.
Is your lover cheating on you? Are you cheating on him or her? This program brings couples in their 20s and 30s before a studio audience to discuss the problems in their relationships. True stories of love and betrayal will be revealed, and solutions will be proposed.
Is your lover cheating on you? Are you cheating on him or her? This program brings couples in their 20s and 30s before a studio audience to discuss the problems in their relationships. True stories of love and betrayal will be revealed, and solutions will be proposed.