Design for Six Sigma

  • 8 years ago
DFSS Activities Four Principal Activities
Concept development, determining product functionality based upon customer requirements, technological capabilities, and economic realities
Design development, focusing on product and process performance issues necessary to fulfill the product and service requirements in manufacturing or delivery
Design optimization, seeking to minimize the impact of variation in production and use, creating a “robust” design
Design verification, ensuring that the capability of the production system meets the appropriate sigma level.
Like Six Sigma itself, most tools for DFSS have been around for some time; its uniqueness lies in the manner in which they are integrated into a formal methodology, driven by the Six Sigma philosophy, with clear business objectives in mind.

Tools for Concept Development
Concept development – the process of applying scientific, engineering, and business knowledge to produce a basic functional design that meets both customer needs and manufacturing or service delivery requirements.
Quality function deployment (QFD)
Concept engineering.

Key IdeaConcept Development
Developing a basic functional design involves translating customer requirements into measurable technical requirements and, subsequently, into detailed design specifications.


