• 9 years ago
NEW 2015 Awesome Powerful Russian Train plowing through snow railway tracks 2015\r
Now this looks like one powerful train - I wouldnt want to be anywhere in the vicinity when this monster is coming through. It runs through the snow with no problem at all.\r
JSC Russian Railways was established by Decision № 585 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2003. On October 1, 2003, the company took over the management functions of the rail networks from the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (MR), leaving the state regulation to MR. RZD got 987 companies (95% in asset value) out of the 2046 that had formed the MR system.[6] The reform saw the creation of a new market segment following the privatization of the networks rolling stock. The company divided the bulk of its wagon fleet between two new operating companies, Freight One (which was later privatised) and Freight Two (renamed Federal Freight in 2012), and private players such as GlobalTrans also entering the market.


