• 9 yıl önce
A very sad Monster School animation. /cry\r
Its time for a new school; which means its time for some hard goodbyes for the little monsters. \r
Magrat the Witch\r
Tim - Skeleton\r
Ajax - Wither Skeleton\r
Ironmouth - Iron Golem\r
Jack - Zombie\r
Harry - Spider\r
Sssid - Creeper\r
Portul - Enderman\r
Artaz - Bat\r
Claw - Enderdragon\r
And of course, all of the parents. \r
Subscribe for more Monster Preschool and other Minecraft animations!\r
Music Crossing the Divide Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) \r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\r
Steve Rig - VMComix\r
Most of the Other rigs by (and edited by me) - \r
New School - planetminecraft.com/project/medieval-city-castle-and-villages-kingdom-of-verona-v2-custom-terrain/ (By - Expertise101)\r
Old Monster School - planetminecraft.com/project/chateau-de-resquer


