Adnan Oktar: I have over 300 books that are translated in 73 different languages.


door A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR:  Firstly, over thirty millions of my books are published and distributed all over the world every year. Secondly, my books are translated into seventy-three languages. Thirdly, I have written over 300 books. Let me not number them because that would go on until morning hours. Millions of my documentary videos are distributed all over the world. My CDs are featured in tens of, hundreds of newspapers and television channels. We hold conferences worldwide. There are intensive activities on the TV channels. I have websites that reach millions of people. We are explaining the mistakes, the faults of the PKK and Darwinism, day and night.  We conduct the most extensive, the most scientific, and most advanced work so that our country does not suffer damage or get separated. For how many years? For forty years.

AUDIENCE: Masha’Allah.

ADNAN OKTAR: And we do this without taking any vacation, including weekends and festive holidays, from morning till night, with only