How Scalia’s Death Just Threw the Senate, the GOP and the Supreme Court Into Disarray

  • 9 years ago
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia always did like to cause a stir in life and his death will be no exception.
The conservative’s untimely demise in Texas this weekend upends the GOP, a party already in turmoil, and potentially the Supreme Court.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already said that Scalia’s replacement should not be picked until a new president is.
Democrats pushed back.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid: “The President can and should send the Senate a nominee right away.
With so many important issues pending before the Supreme Court, the Senate has a responsibility to fill vacancies as soon as possible.
At stake is control of the court.
Currently the court swings 5-4 conservative.
But if President Obama manages to confirm a liberal to the bench, it will swing the court 5-4 the other way.
