• 9 years ago
How To Make Your Own Chapstick With Beeswax

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In the Fall as well as Winter time chapstick is a requirement for most people. But going out and buying chapstick from your local drugstore can be a real pain. Plus not all chapsticks work very well. Well that’s why its a great idea to just make your own and here is How To Make Your Own Chapstick In 15 Minutes.

1. In a pot over medium heat fitted with a double boiler, melt a little bit of beeswax.

2. Then add some coconut oil.

3. Then add some (1-2 tsp) honey and stir.

4. Start with about 1/3 cup of beeswax (solid), 1/4 cup of coconut oil, and 1 tsp of honey.

5. Pour in to your containers.

6. Let set for about 15 minutes.

7. Too add flavors:
- You can add essential oils to the double boiler when everything is melted, or you can add a few drops of essential oil in to your container.
- If adding them in the containers, you’ll want to stir with a toothpick right after you’ve incorporated the melted mixture.

Tips: For a harder chapstick, you’ll want to go a bit heavy on the beeswax. For a softer chapstick, add more honey and a few drizzles of olive oil and/or almond oil and/or jojoba oil.
