Without jumping in, Bloomberg criticizes tenor of presidential race

  • 8 years ago
Former New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday that the candidates leading the 2016 presidential race are capitalizing on Americans’ outrage over a political system that is “corrupt, gridlocked and broken.”
Offering new insights into his thinking as he contemplates a third party bid for the White House, Bloomberg described the campaign as “a race to the extremes” with candidates who are exploiting voters who “have lost faith” in the country’s institutions.
"The list of supposed villains we hear about is long,” Bloomberg, a billionaire who served three terms as mayor of New York, said.
“But the actual solutions that Americans seek have been in short supply.”
Saying that “the problems we face are very real,” Bloomberg cited “wage stagnation,” the country’s “retreat around the world,” and a “two party system that answers to lobbyists and special interests instead of the American people.”
