• 9 years ago
Albert, R.N. (original title) (1953)
(aka Break to Freedom)
Approved | 1h 28min | Drama, War | June 1955 (USA)

In 1944, at a POW camp in Germany the Allied prisoners use a dummy prop named Albert to fool the German guards and escape.

Director: Lewis Gilbert

Writers: Edward Sammis (play) (as Edward R.Sammis), Guy Morgan (play)

Stars: Anthony Steel, Jack Warner, Robert Beatty
00:05:00That takes care of mother.
00:05:02By the way, if anyone's interested, there's a lecture in the dining hut tonight.
00:05:06Brewing for beginners.
00:05:07What was that item?
00:05:08Oh, hello, Bongo. A lecture. Brewing for beginners.
00:05:11Practical or theoretical?
00:05:14Scrooge, have you got any chocolate? I'm very impruned.
00:05:16Sorry, I'm allergic to prunes.
00:05:17Oh, I know what you mean. Very tricky.
00:05:21Hello, Herman.
00:05:22This is an unexpected surprise. Looking for Tomlin?
00:05:24Ah, Captain Maddox.
00:05:26Hey, fellas, look what's here. A new boy.
00:05:28All right, Herman, we'll take care of him.
00:05:30Come on in.
00:05:31Welcome to the camp.
00:05:32Welcome, sir. Lieutenant, United States Navy Air Force.
00:05:35Well, let's get you fixed up.
00:05:36Yeah, I'll take those.
00:05:38There's a free bunk here, so you're home and dry.
00:05:40Oh, thanks.
00:05:42I won't introduce you to everybody. You'll soon sort them out.
00:05:44When you settle down, just come in and have a chat with me.
00:05:48Don't give him time, boys.
00:05:49Johnny, good luck.
00:05:50My name is Barton, Royal Marine.
00:05:51How are you?
00:05:52You're the first new Krieger we've had for three months.
00:05:53How long since you've been in England?
00:05:55A couple of months.
00:05:56What's the food situation like there now?
00:05:58Jeff, you'd better get your gear out of here.
00:06:00My name's Reed, Canadian Navy.
00:06:01What part of the States are you from?
00:06:03I'm from Texas.
00:06:04Wide open spaces, huh?
00:06:06Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
00:06:08So is it true no one ever gets out of here?
00:06:13Now, who could have told you that?
00:06:16You'll get used to it after a while.
00:06:19A month from that damn cell, and now they...
00:06:23How long have you been here?
00:06:25Three and a half years.
00:06:27Three and a half?
00:06:30Oh, God.
00:06:32Captain Meadocks, I'm sorry to inform you that your recent activities may have been interrupted.
00:06:38Oh, God.
00:06:41Captain Meadocks, I'm sorry to inform you that your recent activities make it necessary to impose certain restrictions.
00:06:47Such as?
00:06:50As from tomorrow, a curfew will be imposed at 2100.
00:06:54Docs will be losing the compound to see that prisoners remain in their huts.
00:06:59May I remind you, gentlemen, that reprisals for attempted escape are forbidden by the Geneva Convention.
00:07:04Oh, these are no reprisals, Captain Meadocks.
00:07:06They are, shall we call them, security measures.
00:07:10Come in.
00:07:13House of Führer Schultz, waiting for an interrogation.
00:07:20Perhaps in a little while we may relax restrictions.
00:07:24If there are no more incidents.
00:07:27Captain, tell me something.
00:07:30When you were a prisoner in England during the last war, I suppose you never tried to escape.
00:07:34Indeed. Five times, I tried.
00:07:40Sorry, but...
00:07:42It's all right. I understand.
00:07:45Good night.
00:07:46Good night.
00:07:57Who's he gonna be when he grows up?
00:07:59He's called Albert. Looks like an Albert, don't you think?
00:08:03Hello, sir.
00:08:04Hi, carry on, please.
00:08:05Well, gentlemen, we're confined to barracks after 2100 hours for playing with our buckets and spades.
00:08:10Mr. Schultz is doing.
00:08:13Blimey, this place will soon be a ruddy black hole of Calcutta at this rate.
00:08:17It's not exactly a rose garden now.
00:08:19Hey, how do you get in on this tunneling racket anyway?
00:08:21You're in a mighty hurry, aren't you?
00:08:23Yeah, I am. I'm from Texas and I want out.
00:08:26Take it easy, kid. Take it easy.
00:08:28This place has its advantages, you know.
00:08:30Such as?
00:08:32You get time to think, time to potter, time to do what amuses you for as long as it amuses you.
00:08:38I mean, you like it here?
00:08:40I didn't say that.
00:08:41I just don't believe in exercise for its own sake.
00:08:43That's all tunneling is for sure.
00:08:45Or quick and clean through the wire, either.
00:08:48The trouble with you is you're all too busy using your backs and muscles to think your way out.
00:08:52While we've been digging, you've been thinking.
00:08:54That was big of you.
00:08:56Maybe I have.
00:08:57Knock off, will you?
00:09:01Angela, sir.
00:09:02Come in, Angela.
00:09:04You know, I don't get that guy.
00:09:07He's all right.
00:09:08He doesn't seem to mind being here.
00:09:10He just takes it.
00:09:12Hasn't got any get up and go.
00:09:14Let's see how much you've got after four years.
00:09:17Well, I won't be around long enough to find out.
00:09:20And that's for sure, cousin.
00:09:22I'll be back.
00:09:23I'll be back.
00:09:24I'll be back.
00:09:25I'll be back.
00:09:26I'll be back.
00:09:27And that's for sure, cousin.
00:09:29And I'll say goodbye, old boy.
00:09:30In case I don't see you in the morning.
00:09:36Well, it really is an excellent likeness.
00:09:38Thank you very much, Ainsworth.
00:09:39My wife would be delighted.
00:09:41Glad you like it, sir.
00:09:43You have a fiancé, haven't you, Ainsworth?
00:09:48Yes, I have, sir.
00:09:49In a way, you know, it's harder on them at home than it is on us.
00:09:52So easy to let all this become a reality and that the dream.
00:09:56Yes, sir.
00:09:57Are they very depressed about Mabel?
00:09:59Not more than usual, sir.
00:10:00Well, let's try and think of something new now.
00:10:03I, um, I have an idea, sir.
00:10:06You have?
00:10:07It's only an idea.
00:10:08I'd like to have given it more thought, but now that Mabel's gone for Burton, I...
00:10:11You'd like to make it official?
00:10:13Yes, sir.
00:10:14Well, splendid.
00:10:15Well, look, there's a concert in the compound tomorrow morning.
00:10:17We'll have a meeting of the escape committee after that.
00:10:20I think we've had tunnels, you know, for some time at any rate.
00:10:22It isn't that, is it?
00:10:23No, sir.
00:10:24All through the wire.
00:10:26Well, keep it to yourself for the moment.
00:10:29You know, there are times when I wish I could have a crack myself.
00:10:34They're a couple of fine boys, sir.
00:10:38Yes, I should like to have seen David again.
00:10:46This yours, Hank?
00:10:47Yeah, I wanted it in a raffle.
00:10:49I'm still waiting for someone to show me how to drive it.
00:10:51Would you mind?
00:10:52Go ahead.
00:10:56Give me a hand to stow these away, Jim, will you?
00:11:03That's Gertie, our hidey-hole.
00:11:05Everything's safe in Gertie.
00:11:06Even the goons appreciate culture.
00:11:10Nice, Gertie.
00:11:12Bring in the dog shoots, this boy.
00:11:20Hey, Joe.
00:11:22Hey, Joe.
00:11:24I thought Joe's crunked out already.
00:11:28If you want to know, I was thinking about the big maple tree in my garden.
00:11:32Mary says it's in Bodega.
00:11:35We got one down in Texas.
00:11:38Every fall, the thing just dries up.
00:11:42The only tree for miles around.
00:11:45She got across to see it on leave.
00:11:47Climbed up and sat in it, she said.
00:11:49In uniform and all.
00:11:51It would have more sense.
00:11:53Fine thing for a man to have his wife climbing trees.
00:11:56Young married women can do worse when they're on their own than climb trees.
00:12:00And better.
00:12:02I knew a married woman once who...
00:12:06Oh, what the hell.
00:12:17More oysters.
00:12:18Yes, yes, a dozen oysters.
00:12:21Then, a sole bonzana.
00:12:23No, no, no, I had that last night.
00:12:25A mania's night, waiter.
00:12:27Then, a steak.
00:12:30Yes, a thick, red, juicy, underdone steak.
00:12:38Around the backyard, five.
00:12:40Across the column panels.
00:12:41Under the trip wire, two minutes.
00:12:44Get them to create a diversion on the other side.
00:12:46Through the first line of wire.
00:12:48Oh, about five minutes.
00:13:01She's young and pretty.
00:13:04And so many chaps of her own age around her.
00:13:07Good-looking chaps.
00:13:09If only I could see her, talk to her.
00:13:12Tell her it's going to be all right.
00:13:17Preserve us from all harm and evil.
00:13:20And help us to find patience to bear with one another in our captivity.
00:13:25Confess all our loved ones at home.
00:13:28Grant that they may be in your loving care this night and always.
00:13:31And that we may be safely restored to them.
00:13:46She'll jive, Henry, and want less sale.
00:13:49Look, away you and help the old man with his garden.
00:13:52You know nothing about ships.
00:13:54You only got into the British Navy because we ran short of humans.
00:13:57I could have joined our own Navy, you know.
00:13:59Your what?
00:14:00The Irish Navy.
00:14:01We have four corvettes and they're lovely ships.
00:14:04Naturally, they're Clyde-built.
00:14:06You know what?
00:14:08I'd like to join the British Navy.
00:14:10You know what?
00:14:12I'd like to join the British Navy.
00:14:13Naturally, they're Clyde-built.
00:14:16Come on, Henry, the old man.
00:14:20What price a ticket to California now, huh?
00:14:26A fortress.
00:14:28A straggler.
00:14:29Probably been left behind.
00:14:31Yeah, like us.
00:14:34Hey, what about this going through the wire business?
00:14:36What about it?
00:14:38Well, when you go, will you take me?
00:14:40Look, when you go through the wire, boy, you go alone.
00:14:44Come on, it's time to get in.
00:14:55You're the new man, aren't you?
00:14:57Yeah, that's right.
00:15:00Where I come from, we don't call any man sir.
00:15:04Here you will obey regulations.
00:15:09That is not an ordinary watch.
00:15:11It's not a watch.
00:15:13It's a chronometer.
00:15:15Take it off.
00:15:16It is against regulations.
00:15:17Who says so?
00:15:19Do you hear?
00:15:20Take it off.
00:15:21Keep it on, Texas.
00:15:23Unless you can recite the regulations against.
00:15:25I do not carry the regulations in my head.
00:15:27You can always put it in writing to Captain Maddox.
00:15:30Come on, we're late.
00:15:44You don't have to be around the bend, but it helps, sir.
00:15:47Oh, yes, sir.
00:15:53Yes, sir.
00:15:56All right, let's start.
00:15:57Petition of Lieutenant Ainsworth.
00:15:59Fire away, Ainsworth.
00:16:01Well, sir.
00:16:02All our plans to date have aimed at getting past the wire from the inside.
00:16:05Under it, over it, and through it.
00:16:08But there's one time each week when we're over the wire.
00:16:10Why don't we start from there?
00:16:12You mean the Thursday bath party?
00:16:13Yes, sir.
00:16:15Well, go ahead.
00:16:19It's really very simple, sir.
00:16:21Nine men go out of this room and eight come back.
00:16:25And there happens to be a count at the main gate.
00:16:27Out and in.
00:16:28That, sir, is where Albert comes in.
00:16:31And who is Albert?
00:16:33Sorry, I forgot.
00:16:37You want to know who Albert is?
00:16:39You haven't met him officially yet.
00:16:41What the devil's this?
00:16:43So far he's not at his best.
00:16:44He's only papier-mâché in size.
00:16:46Bit anemic looking, isn't he?
00:16:47I shall have to paint him, of course.
00:16:49He's a little bit thin on top as well.
00:16:51I shall need volunteers for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows.
00:16:54Oh, that's you, Henry.
00:16:56But what exactly does Albert do?
00:16:58He marches back in place of the chap who stays behind in the wash house.
00:17:01Marches back?
00:17:02You mean he's got a body?
00:17:04He will have.
00:17:05It's under control.
00:17:06Now, just a minute.
00:17:07If Albert marches back, he's also got to march out.
00:17:09Then where are you?
00:17:10You've got one too many to start with.
00:17:11No, sir.
00:17:12Albert doesn't march out at all.
00:17:13What's that?
00:17:14He goes out in bits, distributed amongst us.
00:17:16After the showers, it's just a question of eight men dressing and becoming nine.
00:17:20Oh, brother.
00:17:21But, Ainsworth, do you really think that Albert here would pass muster for a naval officer in broad daylight?
00:17:27When I've finished him, yes, sir.
00:17:28Now, wait a minute.
00:17:29What about this fellow we've left in the bath house?
00:17:31What's he going to be doing?
00:17:32You know the disused latrine behind the showers?
00:17:34He nips in there and waits until we've marched off.
00:17:36As soon as the coast is clear, he's on his way.
00:17:40Well, what's the verdict, Joe?
00:17:42Well, sir, anything is better than tunnelling the way I feel at the moment.
00:17:47I'll let you know when Albert's fooled me, sir.
00:17:50It's worth a try, sir.
00:17:53Well, Ainsworth, the idea is approved in principle,
00:17:55but final clearance must be reserved until we've seen Albert in action.
00:17:58Thank you, sir.
00:18:00Right, committee adjourned.
00:18:02I think you're flying a bit high, you know, but good luck.
00:18:04Nice work, Jeff.
00:18:06Well, it's holding out on us, eh?
00:18:08What did you tell her?
00:18:09I hadn't quite worked out the details.
00:18:11How long is it going to take you to finish it?
00:18:13Quite a week.
00:18:14Making it easy, it was the thinking that took the time.
00:18:16Oh, that's for you.
00:18:17Okay, okay.
00:18:18Don't go away.
00:18:20Texas, here I come.
00:18:22That'll be all right when it's painted.
00:18:24I think it will.
00:18:25She likes me because she says so.
00:18:27She is the lily of my gulag.
00:18:29She is my lily and my rose.
00:18:31She is the lily of my gulag.
00:18:33She is my lily and my rose.
00:18:34She is my lily and my rose.
00:18:54What key are we doing it in, eh, Flint?
00:18:57Hey, wake up, what's the matter?
00:18:59What are you dreaming about?
00:19:01Oh, I was just thinking about the last time I did this.
00:19:02For a female audience.
00:19:04Where was that?
00:19:05Some of us gave a show for a lot of reds down in Plymouth.
00:19:09Yeah, Plymouth.
00:19:11How about those dames in Plymouth, eh?
00:19:13Oh, there was one little blonde, petty officer.
00:19:16Keep talking, I'm listening.
00:19:18I never thought flat shoes and a sailor hat could send me up the wall, but...
00:19:21Look at those Mediterranean blue eyes.
00:19:23I was even thinking of marrying the kid.
00:19:26Ah, that's complications.
00:19:28Oh, you haven't lived yet.
00:19:30Have you ever been to Grimsby?
00:19:32I had a dish there once.
00:19:34Come on, we've got a show to do.
00:19:50Frankie and Johnny were lovers
00:19:53Oh, Lordy, how they could love
00:19:56They swore to be true to each other
00:19:59Just as true as the stars above
00:20:02He was her man
00:20:05But he'd done her wrong
00:20:28Frankie and Johnny went walking
00:20:34You know, Hank, old man,
00:20:36I'm all for Albert hitting the jackpot,
00:20:38but I do think three haircuts in one week's going a bit far.
00:20:41You should worry. I'm short of 24 eyebrows.
00:20:46Hey, Jeff.
00:20:48How will that do?
00:20:50Well, that's fine. Thanks, Bungo.
00:20:52Granted, a minute.
00:20:54Cut any more off your brain, it'll show through.
00:20:56I'll go and play with the cards.
00:20:58Hey, Jeff.
00:21:01Take a look at these.
00:21:03My kid did them.
00:21:05Think they're good, Jim.
00:21:07Think so?
00:21:08Think he's got something.
00:21:10This one's supposed to be me.
00:21:12I love the ears. They look like rabbits.
00:21:14There's a picture of him?
00:21:16Yeah, just turned four.
00:21:18He's a husky-looking kid.
00:21:20Seems funny to have a kid you've never seen.
00:21:22I expect he'll be chucking me around when I get home.
00:21:24I have a letter from Allison.
00:21:25Oh, yeah?
00:21:27She sent me this. Handed it to me specially.
00:21:29Very nice.
00:21:31See, she's wearing the ring.
00:21:34So she is.
00:21:37Oh, say, Albert's coming on fine, isn't he?
00:21:40When's the great day?
00:21:42Pretty soon, though.
00:21:44Does, um, Allison know what you look like?
00:21:47I sent her sketches.
00:21:50I don't think it really matters to a woman what a man looks like.
00:21:53Just as well, huh?
00:21:56You know, I can't work you two out at all.
00:21:59Writing away to each other?
00:22:01Must be four years now.
00:22:03Not bad for strangers.
00:22:05At least I'll be another long line again.
00:22:07I'm also knitting a pair of socks for the Red Cross.
00:22:09It's gonna be quite some day when you two meet for the first time ever.
00:22:12You know, there's one thing I'm most curious about.
00:22:14What's that?
00:22:16Her voice.
00:22:18Sometimes at night I...
00:22:20I hear it.
00:22:21Especially when it's raining.
00:22:23It's deep,
00:22:25but at the same time soft.
00:22:28I wonder what it's really like.
00:22:30Maybe you'll soon know.
00:22:35Gonna marry her when you get back?
00:22:40Yes, of course.
00:22:52And another seven.
00:22:53Right there.
00:22:55Eight's the point.
00:22:56No way to hear it.
00:22:57No way to hear it.
00:22:58How do you spell monotony?
00:23:02That's right.
00:23:03Now, who are we short of?
00:23:04Only Bunker, sir.
00:23:05He's checking up on Schultz.
00:23:07How are you getting on behind there, you two?
00:23:09Couple of minutes, sir, and Albert will be with you.
00:23:11High time, too.
00:23:13You honestly think it'll work, sir?
00:23:15Well, it's ingenious and daring.
00:23:16Too daring, if you ask me.
00:23:18It's got to come out in full view of the guards at pretty close range.
00:23:21And I don't see any dummies standing up to that.
00:23:24Well, we'll have a chance to judge for ourselves in a minute.
00:23:28Is your wife still stationed at Plymouth, Brennan?
00:23:30Yes, sir.
00:23:31She runs the canteen in HMS Jessop.
00:23:33That's the shore base across the Sound, isn't it?
00:23:34That's it.
00:23:35Did I tell you she'd been promoted?
00:23:37What's her rank now?
00:23:38Chief Petty Officer.
00:23:40Young for that, isn't she?
00:23:42Ready to kidnap her?
00:23:43It was her idea.
00:23:46I'd always meant to marry a brunette.
00:23:48Maybe you did.
00:23:50I don't like him any color.
00:23:51Come on, Roland.
00:23:52Okay, come on.
00:23:53What do we got?
00:23:54And a four.
00:23:55Four again.
00:23:56That's it.
00:23:57Hello, seven.
00:23:58Pass the seven.
00:24:00We're safe from shorts tonight.
00:24:01Herman says he's out of camp.
00:24:03And what's more, I know why, sir.
00:24:04He's got a bit of crackling in the village.
00:24:06Even a snake has a love life, huh?
00:24:08All sets, seven.
00:24:09You ready?
00:24:10Okay, Craig?
00:24:11Yes, sir.
00:24:12All right, go ahead, Ainsworth.
00:24:13Hank Bunker, stand by the cannons, will you?
00:24:14Okay, fellas, come on.
00:24:15Let's see the big show.
00:24:16You know what they say down in Missouri.
00:24:17You've got to show me.
00:24:18You've got to see this.
00:24:19If we had a gramophone this week,
00:24:20we could have had an overture.
00:24:21Shut up, Bunker.
00:24:25Well, what do you know?
00:24:32As large as life and twice as natural.
00:24:34Have a drag, Albert.
00:24:35Nice work, Jeff.
00:24:36After the war, you come to Hollywood.
00:24:38We've got just the job there for you,
00:24:39making the stars look like people.
00:24:42Let's have a closer view of him, Ainsworth.
00:24:47Isn't that wonderful?
00:24:48It's really great.
00:24:50Albert, make yourself at home.
00:24:51Yeah, Albert, just make yourself comfortable.
00:24:54Well, sir, what do you think?
00:24:56Yes, I think he'd pass muster.
00:24:58What about you, Brennan?
00:24:59With a bit of luck, yes, sir.
00:25:01I'd have to make his legs work.
00:25:04Did you see them moving?
00:25:06That's it, they don't.
00:25:07They just dangle.
00:25:08No one ever looks at feet in a crown.
00:25:09That's true enough.
00:25:10What about you, Adams?
00:25:11I'm sold.
00:25:12I'll swear he winked at me.
00:25:14I'm quite proud of his eyes.
00:25:15Made from the two halves of a ping-pong ball.
00:25:17So that's where it went.
00:25:18Look out, school is coming.
00:25:19What do we do?
00:25:20Get rid of them.
00:25:21Now, stand fast, all of you.
00:25:22Yeah, that's an idea.
00:25:23Let's try them out.
00:25:24Panic stations.
00:25:26OK, you roll the dice.
00:25:28Oh, boy.
00:25:29Let's go.
00:25:30Mail up, everybody.
00:25:31Oh, no.
00:25:32Just look at your ratings, don't they?
00:25:34For the discontented ass.
00:25:35One for Lieutenant Erickson.
00:25:37Nothing for you, Texas.
00:25:38Two for you, sir.
00:25:45Six for Lieutenant Reed.
00:25:46Thank you, sir.
00:25:47And for Lieutenant Ainsworth.
00:25:48Excuse me.
00:25:53Just one of his films.
00:25:54He's often like this in the evenings.
00:25:56He's doing his yogi.
00:25:57Leave him alone.
00:26:05Well, I'll be getting along, then.
00:26:06See you later, sir.
00:26:07Right, pal.
00:26:13Well, congratulations, Ainsworth.
00:26:15Yeah, yeah.
00:26:16But you still haven't explained
00:26:17how you get him out to the bathhouse.
00:26:18That's easy, sir.
00:26:19OK, Jim?
00:26:21Oh, there's Texas.
00:26:25That's all there is to it, sir.
00:26:26Well, we'll have a committee meeting in the morning
00:26:28and set a date.
00:26:29Good night.
00:26:30Good night, sir.
00:26:31Hey, did you hear what he said?
00:26:32Pass with honors.
00:26:33Nice work, Jed.
00:26:34Come on, let's set him up again, huh?
00:26:35Sure enough.
00:26:36Hey, just look at those eyes.
00:26:37They've got little red veins in them.
00:26:39Yeah, he's been hitting the bottle a bit, I think.
00:26:41Eye strain.
00:26:42He's an accountant.
00:26:43He's been busy cooking the books all night.
00:26:44No, no, no, no, no.
00:26:45He's a songwriter.
00:26:46Eyes full of soul.
00:26:48Liver, I think.
00:26:50I still say he's an intellectual.
00:26:51No, with hair like that, he's bound to be a violinist.
00:26:53What do you say, Jeff?
00:26:54Well, if we'd all seen him the same way, I'd be worrying.
00:26:56But now I know I've got it.
00:26:58Got what?
00:26:59The character I wanted.
00:27:00A complete non-entity.
00:27:01Mr. Nobody and Mr. Everybody.
00:27:03Well, there's no such person.
00:27:04Oh, isn't there?
00:27:06The world's full of Alberts.
00:27:08Haven't you ever been on a bus or tube and seen them
00:27:10sitting in their rows, all turned out
00:27:11in the same assembly line?
00:27:12Look at him.
00:27:13Look at him.
00:27:15Never moves unless you push him.
00:27:17Doesn't have to think, make decisions, no confusion,
00:27:20no frustration, no worries.
00:27:22It's all worked out for him.
00:27:23He just falls into line.
00:27:25The final product of the modern world.
00:27:28There he sits, the truly free man.
00:27:30You call that free?
00:27:32Not where I come from.
00:27:34For my money, you might as well be dead.
00:27:36Don't worry.
00:27:37I was only thinking.
00:27:39Actually, I made him that way so the goons
00:27:40wouldn't remember his face.
00:27:42Well, here's to Albert, the most forgettable
00:27:43character I ever met.
00:27:45Don't be too hard on him, Jeff.
00:27:46After all, he's the guy that's going
00:27:47to get you out of here.
00:27:48Yes, we'll have to start getting clothes
00:27:49and money and papers together for you.
00:27:51Which route are you taking, Jeff?
00:27:52North or south?
00:27:55I don't know.
00:27:56Oh, there's plenty of time for that,
00:27:57but you better stow him right away.
00:27:58He's been hanging around here long enough.
00:28:00You do it.
00:28:01It's good practice for you.
00:28:07What's with him?
00:28:13Am I butting in on anything?
00:28:14No, Jim.
00:28:18You'll be used to the idea by morning.
00:28:20What idea?
00:28:21At any moment now, you'll be
00:28:22lambing out of here.
00:28:24What makes you think I'm going?
00:28:26Well, that's why you made Albert, isn't it?
00:28:28Yes, I suppose so.
00:28:30Jeff, you do want to get out of here, don't you?
00:28:32I'll go when my turn comes.
00:28:34Sure, but you're first.
00:28:35It's an unwritten law.
00:28:36It's also an unwritten law that we
00:28:37share and share alike.
00:28:39I made Albert for the room.
00:28:42Just try telling them that in there.
00:28:44Sorry, chaps.
00:28:45I think it's a great idea,
00:28:46but I'd rather one of you tried it out first.
00:28:48Now you're being ridiculous.
00:28:49Am I?
00:28:53You and most of the others
00:28:54have got something to go back for.
00:28:56Or someone.
00:28:57I haven't.
00:28:58I never had time to be anything
00:28:59or do anything much.
00:29:00But you're an artist.
00:29:01What about your work?
00:29:02I can do that anywhere.
00:29:03Oh, don't give me that.
00:29:04Nothing worthwhile was ever born
00:29:05in a bad place.
00:29:07Nothing worthwhile was ever born
00:29:08in a bag, Jeff.
00:29:10And that goes for art, too.
00:29:11Besides, there's Allison.
00:29:13That's different.
00:29:14We never had anything to miss,
00:29:15so we don't miss it.
00:29:16Oh, no, that's not it.
00:29:17And you know it.
00:29:19You're afraid, Jeff.
00:29:21You've lived so long in a dream
00:29:22that you just can't face up to reality.
00:29:24Here you've got a chance to get out
00:29:26and find out what she's really like
00:29:27and you're shying away from it.
00:29:28No, I'm not, Jim.
00:29:30Then there's only one way of proving it.
00:29:31Get going and get out of here.
00:29:32That's right.
00:29:33Out there, Jeff.
00:29:34Don't crowd me, Jim.
00:29:36Give me time.
00:29:41Okay, okay.
00:29:44Oh, come on.
00:29:45Let's get out of here
00:29:46before the goons start using us
00:29:47for target practice.
00:29:51I've got everything on,
00:29:52including my Mae West,
00:29:53and I'm still cold.
00:29:55Good old Mae.
00:29:57She saved my life at Anzio,
00:29:58but I didn't figure I'd have to sleep with her
00:29:59for the rest of my life.
00:30:01Just how many more times
00:30:02did you have to crack that one?
00:30:04Just every night.
00:30:10I said, Jeff.
00:30:13Don't forget to send me
00:30:14the menu from Carriages
00:30:15with all your head picked off.
00:30:17Oh, and the wine list, of course.
00:30:18I want the drool.
00:30:20Don't forget this look
00:30:21on the war off back there.
00:30:22They still drink, don't they?
00:30:24I used to go to a little pub
00:30:25outside Plymouth.
00:30:27Up in the moor.
00:30:29I used to take honey there.
00:30:31The wheat sheep?
00:30:34Yeah, that's it.
00:30:36After which, we used to walk out
00:30:37down through the heather.
00:30:40Man, her hair'd shine like gold
00:30:42in the moonlight.
00:30:46Oh, brother, look at that.
00:30:48Soulful Siegfried must be on tonight.
00:30:50Close the dunkle, somebody.
00:30:52Oh, let him look.
00:30:53Poor guy's sex starved,
00:30:54just like the rest of us.
00:30:56If you're all so damn keen to get home,
00:30:57why don't we do something about it?
00:30:59Listen to who's talking,
00:31:00the lucky guy.
00:31:01We've always had a like
00:31:02at home, haven't we?
00:31:03Shut up, Jeff.
00:31:04That's why I wanted to be with Albert.
00:31:05What's that?
00:31:06You mean to say
00:31:07you want us to draw for him?
00:31:08Why not?
00:31:09Give me the cards, Hank.
00:31:10Jeff, are you crazy?
00:31:11Albert's your idea, man.
00:31:12You've got to have us go off.
00:31:14There's a card for everyone.
00:31:15The highest wins.
00:31:16Don't do it, Jeff.
00:31:17You'll change your mind in the morning.
00:31:18If that's the way he wants it,
00:31:19let him have it.
00:31:20Ace cards high.
00:31:21Take one.
00:31:25Where's yours?
00:31:28I hope this makes you very happy.
00:31:31Come on, fellas.
00:31:32Let's get on to merry-go-round.
00:31:33Everybody pick a card.
00:31:34The lucky guy.
00:31:35I'm not very lucky.
00:31:36I haven't been here for years.
00:31:40Ready, chaps?
00:31:44Close it, uncles, Jeff.
00:31:51School is here, sir.
00:31:55Now, carry on.
00:31:56I must remind you
00:31:57that this is top secret
00:31:58and must not be discussed
00:31:59outside this room.
00:32:01Here is the BBC 9 o'clock news.
00:32:03Last night, the RAF carried out
00:32:04the heaviest raid yet made on Berlin.
00:32:07Over 2,300 tons of bombs were dropped.
00:32:1026 of our aircraft failed to return.
00:32:13During the day,
00:32:14American heavy bombers
00:32:15again attacked objectives
00:32:16in western Germany.
00:32:1856 German fighters were destroyed.
00:32:21For the fourth month in succession,
00:32:23the number of U-boats sunk
00:32:24exceeded that of merchant vessels
00:32:26by enemy action.
00:32:28Speaking at the Mansion House
00:32:29this afternoon,
00:32:30Mr. Churchill said
00:32:31that before the leaves of autumn fall,
00:32:32liberation will be at hand.
00:32:35Good night, chaps.
00:32:37Good night.
00:32:39If anybody's interested,
00:32:40I drew the ace of spades.
00:32:45Achtung, Achtung.
00:32:47Officers of Platform
00:32:49partaking of Mars
00:32:51to parade at speed immediately.
00:32:54Ah, Ericsson.
00:32:55Yes, sir?
00:32:56That's right, sir.
00:32:57But before leaving,
00:32:58I'd like to make one last request.
00:33:00I see this drawing Jeff made of me.
00:33:02Would you take care of it, please?
00:33:03And in case anything happens,
00:33:04make sure it reaches my next of kin.
00:33:07I wrote her address
00:33:08down in the back of her picture here.
00:33:10Marlene Fraser.
00:33:13Next of kin?
00:33:15Well, you know, almost.
00:33:18Well, I hope you make it.
00:33:20Good luck.
00:33:21Thank you, sir.
00:33:24I always thought I'd be going out of here in a straitjacket.
00:33:27How's it going?
00:33:28Just fine.
00:33:29Oh, is it okay?
00:33:33Well, don't let Albert talk him out of it.
00:33:35Don't worry about that, sir.
00:33:37Come on, boys. It's time to go.
00:33:38Good luck, boys.
00:33:39So long.
00:33:40I'll write you a letter.
00:33:54This is the worst of it.
00:33:56Achtung, Achtung.
00:33:58Here is a special announcement
00:34:00given out by the Führer's headquarters in Berlin.
00:34:04In reprisal for British and American terror bombing
00:34:08of German women and children,
00:34:10large forces of the Luftwaffe
00:34:13attacked strategic targets in Britain last night.
00:34:17The ports of Southampton, Plymouth, and Liverpool
00:34:22were left in smouldering ruins.
00:34:25Are those ruins still smouldering?
00:34:28Left turn! Left freeze!
00:34:31Feuer! Marsch!
00:34:38Stellung! Halt!
00:34:4630 Mann, Herr Feldwebel.
00:35:06In Ordnung.
00:35:10Tor! Auf!
00:35:16Marsch! Marsch!
00:35:47Stellung! Halt!
00:35:50Come on, hurry up!
00:35:56Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
00:36:19Wait a minute!
00:36:49Wait a minute!
00:37:12No sign of them yet.
00:37:14Take it easy, sir.
00:37:19It's assembling Albert that bothers me, you know.
00:37:22That and getting him out of the bathhouse, of course.
00:37:25They've rehearsed it enough. They'll make it all right.
00:37:28I don't envy Fred at this moment.
00:37:30Don't you, Henry?
00:37:32You're right. I do.
00:37:49...couldn't get out of the shower...
00:38:00Raus! Raus! Raus, I say!
00:38:03Raus! Raus! Raus! Raus!
00:38:25Three, three.
00:38:35One, two, three.
00:38:55One, two, three.
00:39:15One, two, three.
00:39:35One, two, three.
00:39:55One, two, three.
00:40:19One, two, three.
00:40:39One, two, three.
00:40:49One, two, three.
00:40:59One, two, three.
00:41:09One, two, three.
00:41:19One, two, three.
00:41:29One, two, three.
00:41:39One, two, three.
00:41:49One, two, three.
00:41:59One, two, three.
00:42:09One, two, three.
00:42:19One, two, three.
00:42:29One, two, three.
00:42:39One, two, three.
00:42:49One, two, three.
00:42:59One, two, three.
00:43:09One, two, three.
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00:43:29One, two, three.
00:43:39One, two, three.
00:43:49One, two, three.
00:43:59One, two, three.
00:44:09One, two, three.
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00:44:29One, two, three.
00:44:39One, two, three.
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00:44:59One, two, three.
00:45:09One, two, three.
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00:49:09One, two, three.
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00:49:29One, two, three.
00:49:39One, two, three.
00:49:49One, two, three.
00:49:59One, two, three.
00:50:09One, two, three.
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00:50:39One, two, three.
00:50:49One, two, three.
00:50:59One, two, three.
00:51:09One, two, three.
00:51:19One, two, three.
00:51:29One, two, three.
00:51:39One, two, three.
00:51:49One, two, three.
00:51:59One, two, three.
00:52:09One, two, three.
00:52:19One, two, three.
00:52:29One, two, three.
00:52:39One, two, three.
00:52:49One, two, three.
00:52:59And please accept this wreath with sympathy from the Wehrmacht and Kriegsmarine.
00:53:08Captain Maddox, I salute a brave man, but a foolish one.
00:53:15That's all. You may dismiss the company.
00:53:22Dismiss the company.
00:53:34Boy, oh, boy. Hamburg's certainly making it hot for them tonight, huh?
00:53:39How many planes do you think there are, Jim?
00:53:42Five hundred, maybe. Maybe more.
00:53:45Watch it.
00:53:53Damn these flimsy huts.
00:53:55It's as if you were standing in the middle of Hampstead Heath with neon lights around your perimeter.
00:54:01Uh-oh. That's odd.
00:54:04Boundary lights are gone out. I've never done that before.
00:54:07It's a chittery tonight.
00:54:09Brose up. Let's have some lunch.
00:54:10Come on. Close those ducts.
00:54:12Good night.
00:54:13I hope no one presses that button up there by mistake.
00:54:16What's the matter? If your number's up, it's up wherever you are.
00:54:19That's the way I look at it.
00:54:20I guess you're right.
00:54:22If it's a direct hit, you're just as dead whether you're in a dugout or a flimsy hut.
00:54:27Sounds like one of ours in a hurry.
00:54:29Back to his gin and our women.
00:54:31So what? He's done a good job, hasn't he?
00:54:34He'll be headed that way tomorrow.
00:54:36And I'll be there waiting for you.
00:54:37What's the idea?
00:54:38I'm off. I'm getting out. Wish me luck.
00:54:39Where are you going, Jim?
00:54:40Through the wire the way Fred planted, only I got influence.
00:54:42But we haven't given you clearance.
00:54:43Ah, laugh that one off. I get mine when I'm through.
00:54:45You're mad, Tex.
00:54:46Not yet, but I will be if I stay here waiting for my chance on Albert.
00:54:49Don't say Tex. Wait.
00:54:50You forget I'm a Texan.
00:54:51You can't fence him in. I gotta get up and go.
00:54:54Don't be a bloody fool, man.
00:54:55You've gotta stop him.
00:54:56Let him go. He's got a chance on his own.
00:54:58He's right, Hank. Let him be.
00:54:59Douse the lamp.
00:55:11He's got to make it, Jim. He's got to make it.
00:55:13Let's hope there's a second way.
00:55:15Come on, Henry, you old praying mantis.
00:55:17Have you got any routines? Let's have them now.
00:55:21Oh, God, our Father, with whom all things are possible.
00:55:24Give this poor kid a break.
00:55:26Stretch out your hand to protect him.
00:55:29The boundary lights come on again.
00:55:31Not yet, thank God.
00:55:32Maybe that's what he meant by influence.
00:55:59Can you still see him?
00:56:00No. We've lost him in the shadows.
00:56:02The lights go on now. He hasn't got a chance.
00:56:04We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
00:56:08What's going on here?
00:56:09It's Tex, sir.
00:56:10He's trying to get through the wires, sir.
00:56:11Crazy fool.
00:56:12All right, action stations.
00:56:13Create a diversion.
00:56:14Close those doors.
00:56:17One, two, three, four.
00:56:18One, two, three, four.
00:56:19One, two, three, four.
00:56:20One, two, three, four.
00:56:21One, two, three, four.
00:56:22One, two, three, four.
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00:57:41One, two, three, four.
00:57:42One, two, three, four.
00:57:43One, two, three, four.
00:57:44One, two, three, four.
00:57:45One, two, three, four.
00:57:46One, two, three, four.
00:57:47One, two, three, four.
00:57:48One, two, three, four.
00:57:49One, two, three, four.
00:57:50One, two, three, four.
00:57:51One, two, three, four.
00:57:52One, two, three, four.
00:57:53One, two, three, four.
00:57:54One, two, three, four.
00:57:55He was happy enough, playing his guitar, boasting about his rent, until I made Albert.
00:58:10He started counting the days, and the hours, and the minutes, until he couldn't wait any
00:58:17If there hadn't been an Albert, there...
00:58:19Jeff, listen to me.
00:58:20Albert had nothing to do with it.
00:58:21Hadn't he?
00:58:22And what about Fred?
00:58:23He died without his blessing.
00:58:24Now, take it easy, Ainsworth.
00:58:26Erikson took a chance.
00:58:28No plan of escape guarantees safe conduct to the border.
00:58:30He just had bad luck.
00:58:31Bad luck.
00:58:32As for young Norton, his escape was illegal.
00:58:34If he comes back alive, he'll face a court martial for disobeying orders.
00:58:42I beg to inform your captain that one of your officers, Lieutenant Norton, has been killed
00:58:46while attempting to escape.
00:58:49There will, of course, be an inquiry.
00:58:52I would remind you, gentlemen, that the record of Marla Flint remains unblemished.
00:58:57This camp is still escape proof.
00:59:00I lift up.
00:59:03I'll never know.
00:59:04I'll never know.
00:59:06Get up and go.
00:59:07Poor kid.
00:59:09He'll have never made it.
00:59:10All right, that's enough.
00:59:12Yes, sir.
00:59:13You will escape tomorrow morning through Albert, as planned.
00:59:17Aye, aye, sir.
00:59:22Halt, halt!
01:00:22Any sign of him yet, Brennan?
01:00:24No, sir.
01:00:25Well, I hope he'll make it.
01:00:26He's been here long enough.
01:00:27We all have, for that matter.
01:00:29Perhaps you'll be lucky next time.
01:00:37Everything all right at home, Brennan?
01:00:38Yes, sir, thank you.
01:00:40Bad luck last night, young Norton.
01:00:44You didn't like him very much, did you?
01:00:48He said rather a curious thing last night, just after he was shot.
01:00:52What will you never know, Brennan?
01:00:56Look, Joe.
01:00:58How long have we known each other?
01:00:59Twenty-five years?
01:01:01About that, yes.
01:01:03I remember us scrubbing decks together.
01:01:05I'm still the same bloke, you know, in spite of all this.
01:01:08Can't I help you?
01:01:10I don't want to pry into your business.
01:01:12It was her, I know it was.
01:01:13It was my Mary.
01:01:15The woman he was always talking about.
01:01:17They had an affair, he said so.
01:01:19Are you sure of this?
01:01:20Of course I'm sure.
01:01:22I might have known.
01:01:24She was young and pretty.
01:01:25What proof have you got?
01:01:27I've no proof.
01:01:28That's what's sending me round the bend.
01:01:30I'm sure of it, but I'll never really know.
01:01:32Listen, Joe.
01:01:33Exactly what evidence have you got
01:01:34that Norton's girlfriend was your wife?
01:01:37In the Wrens, stationed at Plymouth,
01:01:39working in the canteen, young, fair, pretty.
01:01:41It was her, all right.
01:01:43Good heavens, man.
01:01:44There must be dozens of Wrens stationed at Plymouth
01:01:45who answer that description.
01:01:48But this was my Mary, I know it.
01:01:50You mean you've made up your mind to it?
01:01:51If you like.
01:01:53What was that?
01:01:56Oh, they're back.
01:02:02Abteilung, halt!
01:02:06Außenordnungen, herzlichen herzlichen Glückwunsch.
01:02:123, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30.
01:02:21Abteilung, vorwärts, marsch!
01:02:38All correct, sir.
01:02:39Went like clockwork.
01:02:40Good, that's marvellous.
01:02:42They're getting pretty good at it now,
01:02:43after all this breakfast.
01:02:45Albert's even learning to watch behind the ears.
01:02:47How do you do, warrior?
01:02:48There, now, who's got a cigarette for me?
01:02:50Oh, not again.
01:02:51I'll suffer.
01:02:52It's 20 minutes since we left.
01:02:53Thanks, Walter.
01:02:54Yes, he should be in the woods by now.
01:02:56Lucky old devil.
01:02:57Good morning, gentlemen.
01:02:59Here for room count.
01:03:01Room count?
01:03:02What for?
01:03:03To make sure everyone is back from the bathhouse.
01:03:05Now, if you please.
01:03:06Oh, well, if you insist.
01:03:08Now, look, have you got a pencil?
01:03:10Well, boys, Herman hasn't got a pencil.
01:03:12Oh, give it to him.
01:03:14Here you are, Herman.
01:03:17I'll call them out, and you check them, eh?
01:03:19Yeah, yeah.
01:03:21Aye, sir.
01:03:25Yes, sir.
01:03:27Aye, sir.
01:03:29Yes, sir.
01:03:31Yes, sir.
01:03:34And myself.
01:03:35Well, you satisfied?
01:03:36Yeah, yeah, always I'm satisfied.
01:03:38That's all right, then.
01:03:39This man was found in the bathhouse by two guards returning to the camp.
01:03:42What happened, Hainsworth?
01:03:43I had a bit of bad luck, sir.
01:03:44So it seems.
01:03:46I had a bit of bad luck, sir.
01:04:01So it seems.
01:04:02So he had a bit of bad luck, huh?
01:04:141, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
01:04:23The answer to this math is present. Why?
01:04:26The count was correct, Hauptsturmführer.
01:04:28That cannot be.
01:04:35Eight names on the list and nine men.
01:04:38We have one more prisoner than we had.
01:04:42Who is here? Who is not here?
01:04:56A strip search, meine Herren.
01:05:00You will all line up against your bunks.
01:05:11You there in the chair, stand up.
01:05:24Come on, man, you heard what Uncle Schultz said.
01:05:26He's not feeling very well today.
01:05:27No, he isn't. Doesn't look too well, either.
01:05:29Take it easy, pal.
01:05:30Get up, I said!
01:05:32Well, let's give him a hand, shall we?
01:05:34Is he feeling any better?
01:05:36Yeah, he's pretty lost his mind, isn't he?
01:05:38What's the matter with that man?
01:05:41Stop bullying us, will you?
01:05:43Because you've got a gun in your hand,
01:05:44you think you're another bloody Hitler.
01:05:49What did you say?
01:05:50Why don't you put that gun down?
01:05:52Let's see how much of a man you are.
01:05:54Do not provoke me.
01:05:55You daren't, you filthy, murdering, degenerate swine.
01:05:58I know what I've done to you, England!
01:06:00Sir Albert!
01:06:02Hit him, Jeff.
01:06:03Go on, Jeff.
01:06:04Go on, Jeff.
01:06:05Come on, Jeff.
01:06:06Come on, Jeff.
01:06:07Come on, Jeff.
01:06:08Come on, Jeff.
01:06:09Come on, Jeff.
01:06:10Come on, Jeff.
01:06:11Come on, Jeff.
01:06:12Come on, Jeff.
01:06:13What the hell, Commandant?
01:06:14What is going on here?
01:06:16I wish to lodge the strongest possible complaint.
01:06:18He was striking a defenseless prisoner.
01:06:20He was intimidating an officer of the Third Reich.
01:06:22For what reason?
01:06:23I have reason to believe he was planning to escape.
01:06:26Can you get up?
01:06:27You all right, Ainsworth?
01:06:28I'm all right, sir.
01:06:31What is all this nonsense about one prisoner too many?
01:06:33He is the list, Herr Kapitän.
01:06:39Eight names.
01:06:41Eight men.
01:06:42Where is the discrepancy?
01:06:46A moment ago, there were nine.
01:06:48Isn't that so?
01:06:50Jawohl, Hauptführer.
01:06:54Wasting my time.
01:06:55You will leave this medal to me, Schultz.
01:06:58Heil Hitler.
01:07:01Herr Kapitän, please accept my apologies.
01:07:03Take this man to the hospital.
01:07:05Then to the bunker.
01:07:06Await his hearing.
01:07:07Jawohl, Herr Kapitän.
01:07:08Good morning, Herr Kapitän.
01:07:09Good morning.
01:07:10Nice work, Ainsworth.
01:07:12Gentlemen, let's relax, shall we?
01:07:14Let's make a deal.
01:07:16Let's shake hands.
01:07:18Let's make a deal.
01:07:19Let's shake hands.
01:07:42Can you spare me a minute?
01:07:43Come in.
01:07:49Come in, Joe.
01:07:51Sit down.
01:07:52Thank you, sir.
01:07:55They sent young Norton's effects over this afternoon.
01:07:57I've just been going through them.
01:07:59I found a picture in his wallet.
01:08:01I think you ought to see it.
01:08:03Why not?
01:08:05You'd better face up to it and get it over.
01:08:07Suspicion's a poor bedfellow.
01:08:08I don't want to know.
01:08:10I think you've got to.
01:08:14To Texas from his own honey.
01:08:16February 1944.
01:08:19She's young.
01:08:20She's fair.
01:08:21She's pretty.
01:08:26Listen, Joe.
01:08:27You've got to look at this photograph.
01:08:29If it isn't your wife, you've been worrying yourself silly for nothing.
01:08:32If it is her, then you're no worse off than you are now.
01:08:35Better, in fact, because you know exactly where you are.
01:08:38Come on, now.
01:08:39I can't.
01:08:43You tell me.
01:08:49Honey was not your wife.
01:08:56Texas was right.
01:08:58She's quite pretty.
01:09:09Alice in order.
01:09:10Double after a draw.
01:09:28You appear to be happy, Lord Nadenhsberg.
01:09:30I was.
01:09:31Until a moment ago.
01:09:33Stand up when you speak to me.
01:09:40Take your hands out of your pockets.
01:09:42Being an artist is no excuse for slovenliness.
01:09:50Decadent filth.
01:09:51What's the matter, Schultz?
01:09:53Did she let you down again tonight?
01:09:58It's all right, Schultz.
01:09:59I'm not that much of a fool.
01:10:01You could hardly shoot me for attempting to escape from here, could you?
01:10:04Perhaps you're right.
01:10:06There are better uses for a bullet.
01:10:10Let us talk business.
01:10:12Just what are you after?
01:10:13I wish to know how it was the count could be correct at the bathhouse,
01:10:17at the main gate, and in the room.
01:10:19Quite a blow to your pride, wasn't it?
01:10:21There's no harm in telling me now.
01:10:22Come, I'll make a bargain with you.
01:10:24You're pretty good at making bargains, aren't you?
01:10:26Yeah, I think so.
01:10:27But not so good at keeping them.
01:10:29What do you mean?
01:10:31Does your new watch keep good time?
01:10:34Or should I say chronometer?
01:10:36An American airman's chronometer.
01:10:37The one I saw young Texas give you.
01:10:39Do you suggest that I...
01:10:40Did he love you so much that he gave it to you?
01:10:42Or was it a bargain?
01:10:43That is enough.
01:10:44A bargain and let him get through the wire, was that it?
01:10:47Except you didn't let him get through the wire.
01:10:49He was shot while attempting to escape.
01:10:51Attempting to escape.
01:10:53Murdered, you mean?
01:10:54You fooled him into trusting and shot him in cold blood.
01:10:57Your confinement has surely deranged your mind.
01:11:00I don't think so.
01:11:02That's what happened, Schultz, wasn't it?
01:11:04Well, what if it did?
01:11:06What are you going to do about it?
01:11:08When the war's won, I'm going to see you hanged.
01:11:15I, too, will warn you.
01:11:18The war will still be long,
01:11:19and we shall have to bear with one another for quite some time yet.
01:11:23There will be changes.
01:11:24You will not find your camp so comfortable in future.
01:11:27In fact, when I have finished with you,
01:11:31you'll wish you'd never been born.
01:11:34All of you.
01:11:44This is the third day and it still hasn't stopped raining.
01:11:47Might just as well be in England.
01:11:50I say, listen to this, chaps.
01:11:52Cousin Tony has been taken prisoner and is in Starlag 8B.
01:11:56His mother says, can you pop round and see him?
01:11:59Well, he'll be out in a tick-tock.
01:12:03Is my week up already?
01:12:04Yes, time flies, doesn't it?
01:12:05Actually, you've had an extra three and a half minutes.
01:12:08I've got to go.
01:12:09I've got to go.
01:12:10I've got to go.
01:12:11Time flies, doesn't it?
01:12:12Actually, you've had an extra three and a half minutes.
01:12:14Oh, thank you.
01:12:16Cheerio, chaps.
01:12:17So is a farewell to that old Irish mother of yours.
01:12:21Listen, how about this?
01:12:23Paul Basil has been sent to Canada and is very homesick.
01:12:26Can you write and cheer him up?
01:12:28Poor old Basil.
01:12:30Speaking of cheering people up, Jeff's due out of the bunker today.
01:12:32That's right.
01:12:33Say, how about rigging up old Albert to welcome him?
01:12:35Not a bad idea. Where's the head?
01:12:36Gertie's got it.
01:12:37I reckon they want to see Albert.
01:12:39I don't see why not.
01:12:41Maybe Fred in Texas could tell you.
01:12:43Now, wait a minute, Hank.
01:12:45Albert didn't help that much, did he?
01:12:47That wasn't Jeff's fault.
01:12:48When it came to his turn, he didn't do so good either.
01:12:50Whatever he did or whatever he didn't do, I say we should forget all about it.
01:12:54And for once, Joseph, I agree with you.
01:12:56Thank you, Henry.
01:12:57Okay, that goes for Albert, too.
01:12:59You'd better off without him.
01:13:01He was just a gagger. It didn't work.
01:13:03All the same, it was rather fun drawing lots for him.
01:13:05You got a kick out of it, even if you lost.
01:13:08Just like buying a ticket in the Artie Sweepstakes.
01:13:10Yeah, on a clothes horse.
01:13:12And the odds were just about as good.
01:13:13Hank, that's not true.
01:13:15Albert was a great idea, and you know it.
01:13:16Albert was a jinx.
01:13:17Two men dead and one funked it.
01:13:19What's so great about that?
01:13:23Why, hello, Jeff.
01:13:25Glad to see you back, mate.
01:13:26Glad to see you, boy.
01:13:27Let's have a look at you.
01:13:29All right, I funked it.
01:13:30Oh, come on, Jeff, skip it.
01:13:32Another time, Jeff.
01:13:33No, no, do you mind?
01:13:34After 30 days solitary, it's a luxury to talk.
01:13:36You made a mistake.
01:13:37It was just bad luck.
01:13:38Jeff, forget it.
01:13:39We have.
01:13:40There seemed good reasons at the time for waiting.
01:13:42They always do.
01:13:44Now I know they were just excuses.
01:13:46Hank's right.
01:13:47I funked it.
01:13:48But provided that's quite clear, let's go from there.
01:13:53Oh, hello, Angel.
01:13:54I thought I heard your voice.
01:13:55Nice to have you back.
01:13:56Thank you, sir.
01:13:57Well, what sort of a time did they give you?
01:13:58Not too bad, sir.
01:14:00I expect you want to settle down.
01:14:01I'll see you later.
01:14:02Oh, by the way, these letters came for you.
01:14:03Oh, thank you, sir.
01:14:08One from Addison.
01:14:09Must have got adrift.
01:14:11You amazed me.
01:14:20Wish to see me, Captain?
01:14:24I want to say goodbye.
01:14:26Yes, I'm afraid so.
01:14:28You mean you're leaving us?
01:14:29Tomorrow morning, I hand over my command.
01:14:32I see.
01:14:34Then may I say on behalf of all of us
01:14:35here that we shall be very sorry to see you go.
01:14:37We've appreciated your efforts to entertain
01:14:40us and your difficulties.
01:14:43I've tried to be fair.
01:14:45Not forgotten that I, too, am a naval officer.
01:14:50When we meet again, I hope it'll be in happier surroundings.
01:14:55Oh, by the way, do you happen to know who the new commandant's
01:14:58going to be?
01:15:01Hauptsturmführer Schultz.
01:15:06Was not of my choosing.
01:15:18I'll buy us a ticket home now, eh?
01:15:20Oh, cheer up, cats.
01:15:22The war will be over by Christmas.
01:15:23Oh, don't spoil it.
01:15:25Just can't wait to see Schultz at Santa Claus.
01:15:27Anybody got a spare letter card?
01:15:29Yes, sir, I have.
01:15:31Oh, thank you.
01:15:32Sir, I'd like to make a request.
01:15:35I wish to claim my right to escape through Albert.
01:15:39Well, anybody any objections?
01:15:43Then it's agreed.
01:15:46Well, well, well.
01:15:48So now you can't wait to kiss us all goodbye.
01:15:50Times change.
01:15:52Officers of Hartford, partaking of baths,
01:15:56to parade at the gate immediately.
01:16:10Just a minute.
01:16:14Wainworth, I'd be very grateful if you'd do something for me
01:16:17when you get back.
01:16:18Wainworth, I'd be very grateful if you'd do something for me
01:16:20when you get home.
01:16:21I wondered if you'd go down and see my wife.
01:16:23Of course I will, sir.
01:16:24You will?
01:16:25Well, thanks very much.
01:16:26Here's the address.
01:16:28Learn it and destroy it.
01:16:30She'll be very glad to see you.
01:16:32She's been finding it a bit lonely since...
01:16:35since we lost our other boy.
01:16:38Oh, no.
01:16:40Yes, I heard last week.
01:16:42His first ship.
01:16:44Is there any message I can give her, sir?
01:16:50No, just tell her about us and...
01:16:53say that nothing's changed.
01:16:56And good luck.
01:16:57Thank you, sir.
01:16:58Oh, don't thank me.
01:16:59It's you we have to thank for Albert.
01:17:01He's more than just paint and paper, you know.
01:17:04He's our refusal to accept all this.
01:17:07Don't worry, we'll take great care of him.
01:17:09I know you will, sir.
01:17:11Goodbye, sir.
01:17:37I will inspect them.
01:17:38Jawohl, Hauptschirmführer.
01:17:48What have you got in there?
01:17:50Just things for the bath.
01:17:59For the bath.
01:18:01It gives me an appetite.
01:18:04It's confiscated.
01:18:18Oh, Joe, did you bring that soap?
01:18:20Yes, I did.
01:18:25Open it.
01:18:28Look here, that's my personal property.
01:18:30Sent to me by the British Red Cross.
01:18:32For consumption inside the camp.
01:18:34For consumption anywhere.
01:18:36Go back to your room.
01:18:37Your bath is stopped.
01:18:40Well, I'm absolutely filthy.
01:18:42Go back.
01:18:44All right.
01:18:45So long, chaps.
01:18:47To autumn.
01:18:50Things will be a little different now.
01:18:55There will be no more of these foolish games.
01:18:59You will not smile tomorrow.
01:19:02Any of you.
01:19:05In autumn.
01:19:07I thought we'd had it.
01:19:08Good old Mongol.
01:19:24Looks like Hamburg's getting it again.
01:19:26I hope Jeff's not around.
01:19:27Ah, but then it'll likely be miles beyond Hamburg by now.
01:19:30We've made it this time.
01:19:31You know, the old hut's getting quite spacious.
01:19:34We'll be right now ourselves soon.
01:19:35We will tomorrow when Schultz gets through with us.
01:19:37Lucky old Jeff.
01:19:39I still can't figure that guy.
01:19:41No, and you never will.
01:19:42What was that?
01:19:43Skip it.
01:19:44It'll seem funny without the old basket.
01:19:47Anyway, we've still got Albert.
01:19:50Good old Albert.
01:19:51The ideal roommate.
01:19:53Well, we've got him, we've got Hope.
01:19:55Thanks to Jeff.
01:20:00If he keeps going, you ought to make Lubeck by dawn.
01:20:17What's that?
01:20:48What are you doing here?
01:20:50Waiting for you, Schultz.
01:20:52How did you get here?
01:20:53You'd like to know, wouldn't you?
01:20:55I waited a long time for this moment.
01:21:47I will arrange that your escape remains undiscovered for one week.
01:22:13You won't be there to arrange it.
01:22:16I will sign an order that will give you safe conduct.
01:22:19I already have one.
01:22:23No, you will not shoot.
01:22:24You shot Texas.
01:22:26You are not me.
01:22:28You have not the courage.
01:22:31Let me go back to the camp now and I...
01:22:32No, Schultz.
01:22:34You're not going back there ever.
01:22:38Stay where you are.
01:22:40He's in trouble, he's unloading.
01:22:42Let's go.
01:23:10Let's go.
01:23:40Let's go.
01:24:10Let's go.
01:24:41Let's go.
01:24:43Let's go.
