Still no deal for Britain on EU reforms after all-night talks

  • 9 years ago
European leaders argued through the night but reached no deal by Friday morning on a package of reforms that British Prime Minister David Cameron says he needs if he is to campaign to stay in the EU in a referendum.
"I was here till 5 o'clock this morning working through this and we've made some progress but there's still no deal," Cameron said later on Friday morning, going in for more talks.
An agreement that would allow Cameron to return to London and launch a campaign to stay in the EU at a June referendum still seemed feasible by the end of a two-day summit on Friday, but European countries were putting up a hard fight.
"I simply cannot believe that at some point today Cameron will not get some kind of concession because they know that if Cameron is sent home totally humiliated, Brexit will have got a bit closer," said Nigel Farage of Britain's anti-EU UKIP party.
