Antonio Milososki , the Minister in FYROM - a Bulgarian

  • 17 years ago
This video presents the indirect, but unequivocal recognition of the Bulgarian characters of the Slavs of FYROM by Mr. Antonio Milososki, its current Minister for Foreign Affairs, via two articles in the local daily newspaper "Utrinski vesnik" ("Утрински весник") from 2006, when he did not have a political office:

1.An article in which he claims that the s.c. "Macedonian Patriotic Organization" -- MPO , an ardent Bulgarian nationalistic--conservative organization operating for decades chiefly in USA and Canada , is the true keeper of the authentic identity of his people, preserved by emigrants from Geographical Macedonia, most of them emigrating before WW II.

2.An article in which he acknowledges a wrongdoing by the Communist regime in case of its political opponents, listing people of which some are known for their opposition to the system on the basis of their Bulgarian nationalism, and their cause as just.

Brief montage of the facsimiles of the original articles are given, together with evidence from the official site of the MPO which indicates that this organizations considers the Slavs of FYROM as ethnic Bulgarians ( Българи ), in present and historical sense as its giuding idea and official policy.


