Join in with BabyTVs best loved nursery rhymes - Down by the Bay! Watch and enjoy BabyTVs fun animation for this popular nursery rhyme. Subscribe now: .\r
Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say Did you ever see a fly Wearing a tie? Down by the .\r
Down by the Bay child song.\r
One of our favorite kids songs with a PlayAlong spin! Some of things youd expect to find Down by the Bay and then a few thought up by our 4 year old!
Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say Did you ever see a fly Wearing a tie? Down by the .\r
Down by the Bay child song.\r
One of our favorite kids songs with a PlayAlong spin! Some of things youd expect to find Down by the Bay and then a few thought up by our 4 year old!
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