Fallout 4 quest TAKING POINT STARLIGHT DRIVE IN build and activate recruitment radio beaco

  • 8 years ago
Fallout 4 quest TAKING POINT STARLIGHT DRIVE IN build and activate recruitment radio beacon Fallout 4 quest TAKING POINT STARLIGHT DRIVE IN talk to .\r
This video is gameplay of the Taking Point: Starlight Drive-in in Fallout 4. Heres the in game tracking for this quest: - Clear Starlight Drive-in - Build and activate .\r
RECEIVE FROM: PRESTON GARVEY Clear Starlight Drive-In, Build and activate Recruitment Radio Beacon( had a stoner moment and couldnt firgue out the .\r
The radio beacon is found in the power section of the Workshop menu, under miscellaneous. It also needs a generator connected to it to work, so you need to .


