the antichrist spirit is showing its face more and more and more eaach and every day the illuminati is a demonic manifestation of the satanic spiritual deception in the hearts of men the same spirit of egypt that enslaved thechildren of God once before because of their disobedience is coming back to prominace again because of spiritual blindness in these last days to fufill the Scriptures that prophesied of these days before the coming of our Lord Disney is exposed in this video for the corrupt television shows of Gravity falls satanic illuminati symbolism phineas and ferb and its occult imagery among countless movies to warn of how late it is and how blatant and loud the enemy is getting in these last days\r
Disney Gravity falls is an illuminati program in this video gravity falls exposed all easter eggs. illuminati cartoons. Disney satanic programming
Disney Gravity falls is an illuminati program in this video gravity falls exposed all easter eggs. illuminati cartoons. Disney satanic programming