• 9 years ago
space mars extraterrestrials all based on a lie.. that was 70% of what i used to watch. now i view it as misinformed people who are still in that matrix thinking they ...

This Wednesday on Jeff C - Flat Earth Psyop EXPOSED! Flat earth, flat earth debunked, flat earth psyop, flat earth exposed,

Illuminati Sellout Rapper B.o.B believes in Flat Earth-Government Psyop to attack Truth Seekers?!? Rapper B.o.B. Is Convinced the Earth Is Flat ...

Mark's song!. Sadly that is Mark's game plan to try and bring flat Earth mainstream attention... tweet the ...

''Don't waste your time with the flat earth morons trying to muddy the waters, just paste this if you encounter a neanderthal saying the world is flat: Day for 6 ...

The spell will not work properly if we get the spelling wrong. Flat Earth Spell by Woosey Rocketman -

Here are some observations I had since my globe earth got "rocked" back in August. These are both based on the the curvature formula (8" x miles squared).

Instead of realizing night and day cannot occur on a flat Earth, people like to waste time wanting visual confirmation of curvature. As you will see, people will then ...

This is what occurred in an invitation for me to prove the world is round for a few willingly delusional people who claim they are open minded, but cannot realize ...

The Shills make in-roads.

This is now our last opportunity to secure our freedom and prevent the plan to depopulate by 80-90% as outlined in the Georgia guidestones. Regardless of your ...

Credits: Men in Black Movie Mosh song (Instrumental) by Eminem Lynard Skynard ( Instrumental) Simple kind of man Firmament animation from Paul Cheeft ...

gotta be.

Flat Earth Conspiracy 100% Debunked As Bull Shit (Without Citing NASA) - CASE CLOSED Reverend Tacos Guidos Mananeros 1 second ago Is this a joke?

Flat Earth is moronic.

It is meant to trap people to discuss about trivia nonsense, and to avoid the sunlight.

Flat Earth Light Reality.

I found a month old Flattie Socko. His videos prove the PSYOP.

Hi gh guys! Recently as always frankly back as far as I can remember I have had one ahole or another in my face telling me I am separate from mother Earth.

20151111 ParisClimateChangeConference; EarthquakeWarning?WestCoastUFO 20151110 ...

This person should be held in a mental institution they are so vicious. Basically growling and just overall completely evil, full of hatred for not reason at all.

flat earth ...

just a quick Qand A.

Flat Earth PSYOP - To Waste People's Time On Stupid Shit

Flat Earth PSYOP - To Waste People's Time On Stupid Shit


