Hrvatska TV voditeljica Renata Sopek slupala je svoj Audi TT na autocesti A1 nedaleko od Maslenice.
Photoshooting for FHM Croatia. (April 18.-th 09. edition). Model is croatian TV star Renata Sopek. Photographer: Marko Zirdum, Make up and Styling: Pamela .
Renata Sopek, sexy TV star .
Renata Sopek iskače iz bazena .
Snimka slupanog Audija TT nakon nesreće Renate Sopek na autocesti A1.
Photoshooting for FHM Croatia. (April 18.-th 09. edition). Model is croatian TV star Renata Sopek. Photographer: Marko Zirdum, Make up and Styling: Pamela .
Renata Sopek, sexy TV star .
Renata Sopek iskače iz bazena .
Snimka slupanog Audija TT nakon nesreće Renate Sopek na autocesti A1.
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