• 9 yıl önce
- Collector Cards -\r
1. Evil braces - Park on the road above the dam, then jump down to the\r
platforms where the railing is broken. Jump onto the steam pipe to gain height.\r
2. Barts soul - on top of Barneys Bowlarama. Walk carefully onto the struts\r
and jump across.\r
3. Lisas Valentine - on board the C-Spanker. Drive from the Planet Hype globe\r
into the hull of the ship. Use a vehicle to step up onto the deck.\r
4. Lisa Lionheart - on top of the light house. Enter the lighthouse to be\r
transported to the top.\r
5. Angel skeleton - on top of the Androids Dungeon. Use the vent at the rear\r
of the store to jump to the roof.\r
6. Lisas Machine - inside Krustylu Studios. Locate the Krusty set and climb\r
the ladder. Jump to the rafters and cross the fan. Jump from the balcony to the\r
card in the distance.\r
7. Soy Pop - jump over Springfield Dam, so that you are driving in the\r
direction of Kamp Krusty. Land and brake on the far section of the bridge.
