Terrific TV Toys: Scooby-Doo plush, Part 1

  • 8 лет назад
The Terrific TV Toys (*of a vintage nature) web series takes you on a trip back through time to the great toys celebrating the classic television shows we love. Episode 19 begins a three-part series on Scooby-Doo plush! Billie Rae Bates of BRBTV shows you quite a few stuffed Doos currently in her collection, with much more to come in parts 2 and 3! Who hasnt loved that crazy, classic, canine cartoon character since he first hit the TV screen in late 60s? These plush Doos came from claw games, trap-door games, and carnivals.\r
Look for the other episodes of Terrific TV Toys on this same YouTube channel! Music: No Iron Rivers by DanoSongs.com, used in accordance with the creative commons license. Thanks, Dan-O!


