g4tv meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
Soulless "gaming cable television channel" cut in the same mold as MTV.

Terrible off the street idiot hosts with annoying personality and no real gaming knowledge (or interest in gaming for that matter) other than what is on their teleprompter.

Cash influenced reviews and show content.

Entire channel exists not for entertainment but for advertising and exploiting the new surging popularity of gaming and the incompetant 12 year old internet fanboys that now dominate it.

Promotes the same dozen games all day with reruns, even when they only have about 12 hours worth of first run shows on a week. Plenty of extra space for "real" game coverage but they still limit coverage to the same mass marketed "fanboy bait".

Parent company recently bought, erased, and assimilated Tech TV effectively eliminating all intelligent competition to this rubbish channel called G$.

g4tv definition by Urban Dictionary

