Austin & Ally kiss - Chapters and Choices sscene from season 2 episode 10 chapters and choises from austin and ally with ross lynch and laura marano.\r
After being best friends for so long, Austin & Ally finally realise their true feellings for each other! A duet brings them closer than ever before - but will the .\r
These scenes are ONLY of Austin and Ally from the Chapters and Choices. It has the video performance of You Can Come To Me along with the Kiss scene at .\r
Hey guys! Heres my new auslly video :D Well, kinda :P Its a Auslly story, since the first episode where Austin & Ally had a perfect date, Ally admiting she liked .
After being best friends for so long, Austin & Ally finally realise their true feellings for each other! A duet brings them closer than ever before - but will the .\r
These scenes are ONLY of Austin and Ally from the Chapters and Choices. It has the video performance of You Can Come To Me along with the Kiss scene at .\r
Hey guys! Heres my new auslly video :D Well, kinda :P Its a Auslly story, since the first episode where Austin & Ally had a perfect date, Ally admiting she liked .
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