• 8 years ago
And we finally awake, And walk into the sunny day, I can see it in your face
That everything will be okay | 'Cause you never hurt, Someone who wants to learn
To be your slave | And the night is oh so clear, The clouds will never reappear
But the moon is out of place, And all the trees are looking strange | And feeling the warmth of your breath, Against my skin, Now I hope this isn't only just a dream | So we run into a church, The people all look the same, And the sun is in my eyes
I'm trying hard to scream your name | My stomach starts to churn, And the curtains in the wind begin to burn, And now I know it's all a dream | Enemy sleeps with me night or day, Enemy teases every minute in my mind, He's in my mind |
Enemy throws all my money away, Enemy knows how to make me always pay
I always pay | Enemy lies don't cross my mind, Enemy talks, talking so nice and kind, So nice and kind | And how long does it take, To fight off this weakness?
And tell him, To guard me, 'Cause God knows I'm sorry
