Fukushima nuclear disaster site: a suitable tourist destination?

  • 8 years ago
There is controversy in Japan over tourist visits to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear site.

For now only media tours are allowed, but some locals who survived the tsunami that followed a magnitude nine-earthquake five years ago want the nuclear power plant to be a centre of so-called ‘dark tourism’.

The head of the group behind the idea, Hiroki Azuma, said, for now, opposition is too strong: “Most Japanese simply are not capable of supporting or even understanding that it is possible to turn a major disaster into something that will bring people over, or that building a museum that would show the facts of the disaster can provide a good lesson for future generations.”

He added: “I believe the Fukushima nuclear disaster is a problem not only for Japan but for all humanity. It is quite important for people all over the world to know how big the Fukushima nuclear disaster was and what kind of harm it has caused.”

There is a Fukushima tourism centre in Japan’s capital Tokyo. It is st


