Ode to Violence Chapter 26: Purging Essence

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With Violent Dan defeating Ella, it forced her body to get resealed back into the Realm of Nightmares, deep within the Netherworld where she belonged. Also, along with her return to the realm, those who were brought back as lost, wondering souls began to return from where they came. Vice & Mature on the other hand recieved a second chance at life, and returned to the living world as humans again, this time, helping Adel & Rose in any possible way.\r
Also, Dan recieved part of his soul back as a bonus for taking her out, though he has yet to feel complete. Once she was defeated, the haunted house, and everything around it vanished, and he was in the middle of an open plain. In the distance, lies a Cemetary. the Sky Noah is still up above, and they are ready to take Dan in, but before they do that, Dan turns towards the Cemetary, and he feels a very familiar power in that direction. \r
He starts to make is pursuit towards the place, and he sees this as Wylers resting place, but before he can make it there fully, Ash comes from behind one of the stone memorials, and just claps his hands, as Dan looks to the sky.\r
Im so glad you have made it this far, Mr. Hibiki. I would have thought for sure that you would have died off long ago. You know, the powers you possesed..well, rather i stole from you, have been very good additions to the Yatta mirror and Yagami Necklace that i hold dear to me now. Ash grins with his sinister look, and Dan just looks to the sky ......Ella is no more, and you will be soon enough he says, just looks to the clouded sky\r
Very well, my violent friend. So it shall be, that you will be another lovely collection to the souls at rest here Ash says, as Violent Dan gets himself ready for his final confrontation against Ash, and make his way to the next part of his journey. But even after this, he has to locate, and take out the very source of the hatred that has built up within him. and that source is none other than Sagat. But to get to him, he must Defeat Ash.


