Those Troublesome Trucks will get the engines every time! See all the games and jokes the Troublesome Trucks play on the engines in this classic song!
A remake music video of the Troublesome Trucks song in cgi.
Here is another clip from this seriously amazing special. This is the best special that Thomas and Friends has ever produced! Enjoy I do not own Thomas and .
Thomas and friends Bachmann, Hornby HO/OO model train fun. Unboxing of Spencer, Devious Diesel, Troublesome Trucks, Annie & Clarabel, Spencers .
A remake music video of the Troublesome Trucks song in cgi.
Here is another clip from this seriously amazing special. This is the best special that Thomas and Friends has ever produced! Enjoy I do not own Thomas and .
Thomas and friends Bachmann, Hornby HO/OO model train fun. Unboxing of Spencer, Devious Diesel, Troublesome Trucks, Annie & Clarabel, Spencers .
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