Rick Astley meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
Besides being one of the most successful british singer of the 80's with his popular 1987 hit "Never Gonna Give You Up" (and the rather funny and random Internet prank that it generated), Rick Astley is also, just like Longcat, Slowpoke and Pedobear, among others, an idol in the Internet. If you don't agree, then you're either: 1. a newfag, or 2. stupid.

If you've been rick rolled, don't rage! Enjoy the funny video and accept the fact that Astley just pwned the crap out of you.

He was born in 1966, and up to date keeps rick rolling people IRL, although has never been as famous as he was in the late 80's, and now admits his hit has a very stupid letter.

After YouTube made it an old meme in April, 2008, there have been numerous attempts to replace the prank. The most successful video so far has been the "Jizz in my Pants" song, whose creators power level is certainly not even close to that of Astley, but the "Jizz Roll" is on its way to success.

Rick Astley definition by Urban Dictionary