• 9 years ago
When The Matrix came out it started a revolution, but it’s success overshadowed another mind bending sci-fi film that you most likely haven’t heard of, Dark City!

The films have a similar thread, a man comes to find out that his reality is fake. While The Matrix blends this with martial arts, action, and philosophy, Dark City travels a much more noir road. In The Matrix Neo must navigate his new reality to eventually become the one. In Dark City John Murdoch spends most of the film trying to find out the truth, eventually leading to a disturbing reality.

Have you seen Dark City? Are you a fan of The Matrix? What do you think are the best mind bending sci-fi movies?

We want to hear from you - Let us know in the comments below!

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Here on Like it/Love it, we’re bringing you the full scoop on one great movie you might love if you liked a different one... no a movie you might like if you loved another... a movie you like to live if you.... ALRIGHT! We're going to recommend some lesser known movies that you might enjoy if you happened to enjoy something that made a big public splash. There it is.

It’s hard work, keeping up with all the great movies that are on everyone’s must-see lists. You know there are dozens (or hundreds) of flicks that might be considered “best of all time” by someone and so many great ones that you may not have heard of. So put on your cinephile britches and prepare to get recommended!

CineFix is here to help you out! We’ll be breaking down the classics old and new, letting you know what’s really essential and why. We’ll cover the great genre movies, the films that shaped a generation, and the movies that changed the face of the entertainment industry. As well as movies that are just plain awesome.

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