The focus track from the just-released (on iTunes) Crowe/Doyle Songbook, Vol. lll, new music written by Russell Crowe and Alan Doyle, and performed here by .
They write they sing, they play.they even dance. A lovely version of the moving focus track from the just-released Crowe/Doyle Songbook, co-written by Russell .
Another of the songs intended to be part of the Dirt Music soundtrack project, this haunting rendition of a 500-year-old folk song is performed by Danielle .
Russell Crowe, Alan Doyle and Danielle Spencer perform Too Far Gone at LSPU Hall in St. Johns, Newfoundland - Indoor Garden Party 2011.
They write they sing, they play.they even dance. A lovely version of the moving focus track from the just-released Crowe/Doyle Songbook, co-written by Russell .
Another of the songs intended to be part of the Dirt Music soundtrack project, this haunting rendition of a 500-year-old folk song is performed by Danielle .
Russell Crowe, Alan Doyle and Danielle Spencer perform Too Far Gone at LSPU Hall in St. Johns, Newfoundland - Indoor Garden Party 2011.
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