BackstageOLs Dave Morales sits down with Manish Dayal & Charlotte Le Bon to talk about THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY and what it was like working with .
Charlotte Le Bon spoke with Tribute in Toronto about what she did that caught Stephen Spielbergs eye and eventually landed her a role in The Hundred-Foot .
Interview with Charlotte Le Bon, who plays Marguerite in The Hundred-Foot Journey. 1. On her character. 2. On the evolution of her character. 3. On working with .
Check out Movie Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Movie Red Carpet Premieres, Broll and more from Part of the Maker Studios.
Charlotte Le Bon spoke with Tribute in Toronto about what she did that caught Stephen Spielbergs eye and eventually landed her a role in The Hundred-Foot .
Interview with Charlotte Le Bon, who plays Marguerite in The Hundred-Foot Journey. 1. On her character. 2. On the evolution of her character. 3. On working with .
Check out Movie Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Movie Red Carpet Premieres, Broll and more from Part of the Maker Studios.
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