What kind of person does something like this? My prayers go out to the families of these reporters and to the lady who was being interviewed that is now .
READ MORE: The suspect, Vester Lee Flanagan II, was a former .
Virginia News Crew Killed Police hunt disgruntled employee believed to have killed 2 on live TV A television reporter and cameraman were shot to death on .
WDBJ7 journalists who were killed were reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman Adam Ward, 27. The woman being interviewed on the morning news .
READ MORE: The suspect, Vester Lee Flanagan II, was a former .
Virginia News Crew Killed Police hunt disgruntled employee believed to have killed 2 on live TV A television reporter and cameraman were shot to death on .
WDBJ7 journalists who were killed were reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman Adam Ward, 27. The woman being interviewed on the morning news .